
  1. New UFO Hunter

    Greer: Disclosure Project 10 years later

    May 16, 2011 Dr. Steven Greer talks about the 10 year anniversary of the Disclosure Project and more with Peter Gooch.
  2. 100th Monkey

    New 9/11 Graphic Coloring Book Emerges on Brink 10 Year Anniversary

    'On the brink of the 10th anniversary of September 11th a new children’s ‘graphic coloring novel’ has emerged.*We want to know; is it appropriate for kids? According to the publisher, the book entitled ‘We Shall Never Forget 9/11 – The Kids’ Book of Freedom’ is “designed to be a tool that...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Highlights from SDO's First Anniversary

    Check out the video that was shown during SDO's First Anniversary Party on 2/14/2011. The video is in the SDO Gallery or follow this link. More...