
  1. Unhypnotized

    Assange Lawyers Prepare for U.S. Spying Indictment

    JIM SCIUTTO and LEE FERRAN ABC News Friday, December 10, 2010 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the man behind the publication of more than a 250,000 classified U.S. diplomatic cables, could soon be facing spying charges in the U.S. related to the Espionage Act, Assange’s lawyer said today...
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Guardian Newspaper: You Ask, We Search - Lets get them to find the UFO Cables!

    The Guardian is running a "You Ask, We Search" campaign on their Twitter page. Anyone who has Twitter should go to the page and request they look for the references to UFO's which Assange alluded to in his Q&A with them last week. If enough of us make this request, perhaps they will listen. More...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Shadowy Hacker Group Targets Enemies of Wikileaks

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Thursday, December 9, 2010 Hackers have responded to the persecution of Julian Assange and Wikileaks by attacking the Visa and MasterCard websites. The group responsible calls itself “Anonymous.” It promotes the use of LOIC, short for Low Orbit Ion Cannon, software...

    WikiLeaks' payment processor to sue card companies

    LONDON – WikiLeaks' payment processor said Thursday that it was preparing to sue credit card companies Visa and MasterCard over their refusal to process donations to the secret-spilling website. Andreas Fink, the CEO of Iceland's DataCell ehf, told The Associated Press that he would seek...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks and cyber warfare (Truther Girl calls it like it is!)


    NASA Sold Computer Hard Drives Containing Sensitive Government Info

    1 hr 9 mins ago Julian Assange may have needed a mole inside the Army to get sensitive government documents for WikiLeaks, but thanks to the lax IT procedures at NASA, it looks like he may have only needed an eBay account. Due to weak security measures and an agency culture that struggles with...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Petition to promote Freedom Of Expression (Web) - Wikileaks

    Keep the internet free: Support Wikileaks: Boycott Amazon and PayPal this Holiday Season - (bottom of the web page) The second one : Petition to support Julian Assange (bottom of the web page)...
  8. Unhypnotized

    WikiLeaks won’t release key to ‘insurance’ file, despite Assange arrest

    Raw Story Dec 7, 2010 The website Wikileaks will continue publishing leaked US embassy cables but won’t release the encryption key for its 200,000 cable “insurance file” despite the arrest of its founder, Julian Assange. Assange was arrested early Tuesday morning by British authorities...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Anonymous Defends WikiLeaks Internet hacktivists have fired the latest salvo in the Wikileaks infowar. A group called Anonymous has hit sites that have refused to do business with the controversial whistle-blowing site with a series of distributed denial-of-service...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative

    David Edwards Raw Story Dec 7, 2010 One of the women that is accusing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sex crimes appears to have worked with a group that has connections to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). James D. Catlin, a lawyer who recently represented Assange, said the sex...
  11. Unhypnotized

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested in Britain

    Flashback: Here Are The “Sex Crimes” Interpol Wants Julian Assange Arrested For Economic Times Dec 7, 2010 LONDON: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested by British police on a European warrant issued by Sweden over allegations of sex crimes including rape, London’s...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Assange Set Up By CIA Operative?

    Wikileaks founder arrested over spurious rape claims made by militant feminist who worked for group funded by US government Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, December 7, 2010 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s arrest over the dubious rape and molestation claims of two Swedish...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Julian Assange turns himself in

    Source: Assange making arrangements to meet police, lawyer says London (CNN) -- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is "in the process of making arrangements" to meet with British police regarding a Swedish arrest warrant, his attorney said...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Assange threatens to release

    There is a new threat from the founder of the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. Julian Assange will release a "poison pill" that contains a "deluge" of secret information if he is killed, arrested or his website is permanently shut down, Daily Mail reports. "Due to recent attacks on our...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Newt Gingrich: Julian Assange is Enemy Combatant Engaged in Warfare

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Dec 5, 2010 Outspoken neocon and former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told Fox’s Judge Napolitano over the weekend that Wikileaks is a terrorist organization and its founder Julian Assange should be considered an enemy combatant. Gingrich also appeared on...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Assange Lawyers Harassed By Security Services

    Sam Jones London Guardian Dec 5, 2010 Lawyers representing the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, say that they have been surveilled by members of the security services and have accused the US state department of behaving “inappropriately” by failing to respect attorney-client protocol...
  17. New UFO Hunter

    New unreleased wikileaks files contain references to UFO's!

    Julian Assange: Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules. 1) that the documents not be self-authored; 2) that...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange has Close Links to the Economist, Controlled by the Rothschild Banking Family

    12-03-2010 07:23 AM 'Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has won an award from the “Economist” magazine, a financial publication controlled by the Rothschild banking family, and he has also featured on an “Economist” video clip, raising questions about conflicts of interest.* Assange predicted a...
  19. Unhypnotized domain killed

    WikiLeaks (wikileaks) on Twitter Wikileaks New Release | Julian Assange Probe | FBI on Wikileaks | Diplomatic Cables - Oneindia News WikiLeaks website down in U.S. and Europe by cyber attack 'from China' | Mail Online Here is another way to access files: CableSearch BETA Grab a copy they...
  20. Unhypnotized

    WikiLeaks Backup Plan Could Drop Diplomatic Bomb Supporters Downloading Heavily Encrypted File Told They Will Receive Key if Trouble Befalls Website, Founder Quote: The legal net is tightening around Assange. On Thursday, Sweden's highest court turned down an appeal from his legal team...