
  1. Unhypnotized

    Dodd’s “Fed Empowerment Bill” Guarantees Fed Secrecy

    Tim Shoemaker Campaign For Liberty April 25, 2010 There are plenty of reasons C4L members should be actively opposed to the financial ‘deform’ bill under consideration in the Senate.* The provision that is most deserving of righteous anger however, is Sen. Jeff Merkley’s alleged “audit” of the...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Ron Paul: Important News on Audit the Fed

    Sunday, Nov 1st, 2009 In this Audit the Fed update, Dr. Paul explains what is happening with HR 1207 in the Monetary Policy Subcommittee, describes his plan to protect 1207 in the full Financial Services Committee, and provides ideas on actions we can take to keep Audit the Fed from being...