
  1. Bob Dean on Friends in High Places (August 2011)

    Bob Dean on Friends in High Places (August 2011) Part 1 Bob Dean on Friends in High Places (August 2011) Part 2 Bob Dean on Friends in High Places (August 2011) Part 3 Bob Dean on Friends in High Places (August 2011) Part 4 Bob Dean on Friends in High Places (August 2011) Part 5
  2. Perseid Meteor Shower - can be seen across the Globe

    Space enthusiasts who have spent the past few days admiring the stunning images of Martian landscapes beamed from NASA's Curiosity would have been well-advised to peel their eyes from their computer screens and look up into the night sky to catch a glimpse of one of the most spectacular...
  3. UFO recorded in Colombia, August 3, 2012

    Real or not?
  4. Kerry Cassidy blog - "Incoming moon-sized object"

    Kerry Cassidy reported in her blog that a incoming moon-sized object will been nearing earth between august 17 to September 26 2012, and is the source of the abnormal ice melting in Greenland in July 2012.
  5. Jewel Craft: Shot Over South Hampshire, UK August 2011

    This looks cool:
  6. CHILE TV NEWS: UFO Sighting over Santiago, Chile on August 30, 2011 flying over city

    Date of sighting: August 30, 2011 Location of sighting: Santiago, Chile Eyewitness states: "The real date is August 30, 2011. The sighting began at 21:10 and was seen by me and five friends. We also called a news reporter who came and witnessed it. At 22:00 we called the Air Force and the Air...
  7. UFO Sighting over Tarragona, Spain of 3 orbs during sunset, August 18, 2011, VIDEO.

    Date of sighting: August 18, 2011 Location of sighting: Tarragona, Spain
  8. Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense 22 August 2011

    Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense 22 August 2011 Source:
  9. Newly Released UFO files from the UK Government, August 2011

    Source: Files released in August 2011 The files contain a wide range of UFO-related documents, drawings, letters and parliamentary questions covering the years 1985-2007. Read eyewitness accounts of UFO sightings, see the picture of a ‘flying saucer’ which was...
  10. Veitch Released on Bail, Faces Court Hearing August 23

    [video=youtube;hKsErdZjvR4] Citytv July 1, 2010 A man accused of impersonating a police officer has been released on $500 bail. Charlie Veitch, 29, lives in England but was in Toronto for the G20 summit.* He’s been described as an absurdist comedian – but police aren’t laughing. Veitch...