
  1. R

    AI slams Russia over anti-blasphemy-LGBTI laws

    On June 11, 2013, the Amnesty International (AI) slammed Putin government after the state Duma in Moscow passed two new bills, almost unanimously, which oulaw blasphemy and activism by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals and other supporters. The AI in its...
  2. Denise

    Movement "I DON'T PAY" is spreading across Europe (english subs)

    "Thanks my fellow human and i hope we can stick together and hopefully get all the youtube folks to meet in there areas and make plans for a mass no consent agenda, and pay and do NOTHING!!!!! don't go to work, pay no bills, mortgages, no taxes, close back accounts, LAWFULL NON VIOLENT...