
  1. 100th Monkey

    Eywa has had enough!

    Eywa (the living entity taking care of Pandora's nature in the Avatar movie) seems to have woken up within Russia: Russian angry birds: Crows 'attack' MPs cars with stones October 22, 2012 18:57
  2. Denise

    KONY film maker arrested for public masturbation, vandalizing cars......

    I wonder if this is really true? He could handle the fame? Jason Russell, age 33, filmmaker behind the mega-viral KONY 2012 documentary was arrested Thursday in San Diego after he was found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Global Cooling: October Snow Hits UK

    London Telegraph Oct 21, 2010 Snow fell as far south as Yorkshire as drivers were stranded in cars following blizzards in Scotland as winter came early to Britain. Early snow covered parts of Aberdeenshire, the Cairngorms and Shetland – as well as the Pennines. A number of drivers needed...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Google Admits Harvesting Wi-Fi Data with Street View Cars

    05-15-2010 03:34 AM 'Google has admitted that it has been recording data transmissions on Wi-Fi networks using its Street View cars. In a blog posting Alan Eustace, senior vice president of Engineering and Research explained that while Google routinely collected some wireless information in...