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    Israel: ‘Thou shalt not vote for Hagel’

    “An Obama nomination and Senate confirmation of Chuck Hagel would be a major step in breaking the grip of Israel’s myrmidons (Israel-Firsters) in this country,” James M. Wall, journalist and former publisher of Chicago-based The Christian Century magazine. Earlier, I had posted Jews against...
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    Obama’s (Jewish) woman in Tehran

    On November 5, Alex Fishman claimed at Israeli daily YNet that Barack Obama’s senior advisor, Valerie Bowman Jarrett (born 1956), is secretly assisting the US administration to communicate with the representatives of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei. Last month, The New York Times...
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    [Warning!] Now the Future of Yard Sales under Attack?

    Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril - Jennifer Waters's Consumer Confidential - MarketWatch By Jennifer Waters Another new plan to separate and keep you from your money. This from the SCOTUS. Probably another future taxable item for the IRS. What in the world is happening to us?
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    The Holocaust Industry and ‘the railroads’

    “The claim that 5,7 million Jews were murdered, is not true. The numbers of Jewish victims can only range between 1 and 1.5 million, because there were not more Jews within Hitler’s reach,” French Army Colonel Ferdinand Otto Miksche, The End of The Present, Munich 1990. Last month, a Chicago...
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    [Must Read!] The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb

    Now another thing coming to light. What are they doing? Do they know or more importantly do they care? As if the fault wasn't enough to consider now this? It seems as if they aren't happy unless they mess with somethings that obviously they don't really understand. What else is out there we...
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    Jill Stein: ‘First Jewish woman presidential candidate’

    “I think it’s a great commentary on American political life when a person who happens to be Jewish is mentioned as a possible presidential candidate,” said Rabbi Joseph Potasnik of the New York Board of Rabbis in 2007. In March 2012 – Fred Karger 61, the openly Republican Jewish gay politician...
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    Israel’s Proxy Wars against Pakistan

    Pakistan has long been on Israeli radar due to Pakistanis hatred for the establishment of Israel in Palestine. Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, had a vision for the destruction of the new Muslim-majority nation, strategically located between Iran, Afghanistan, India and China –...
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    US-NATO hides its endgame at Chicago

    The US-NATO and its 27 ‘willing partners’ met in Chicago on May 20-21. The Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emnuel, Obama’s former Zionist Jew White House Chief of Staff, who had turned Chicago into a seige city ahead of NATO smmit – boasted for holding the event without troubles. According to The Update...
  9. 100th Monkey

    Thousands protest in Chicago before and during NATO summit May 20 & 21

    Protest march Live in Chicago right now and for the next 2 days... you can watch archives and live at this link!!! TWITTER.COM/LukeWeAreChange YOUTUBE.COM/WeAreChange FACEBOOK.COM/LukeWeAreChange We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization...
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    NATO’s Chicago summit: ‘Israel out, Pakistan in’

    Last month, Turkey blocked Israel’s participation in NATO’s upcoming Chicago summit in a sign of its determination to keep the Zionist entity from using NATO to its expansionist agenda. The 2-day Chicago summit which is hosted by Barack Obama is due to be held on May 20-21. Turkish foreign...
  11. Denise

    Fulford - Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues

    Benjamin Fulford - May 1st The prevailing theme these days seems to be chaos in the West but what we are really witnessing is the controlled implosion of the criminal cabal that took over the Western financial system and nearly destroyed Western civilization. Among the events associated with...
  12. Denise

    Jim Stone on Project Camelot Radio with Kerry Cassidy

    From Kerry's Cassidy blog: My guest on my radio show last night was JIM STONE, former NSA top technical analyst now on the run and seeking asylum from the U.S. in Mexico, reveals the real events behind Fukushima and the possible connection with recent nuclear power plant problems at San Onofre...
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    Rabbi: ‘Frankist Jews committed Holocaust’

    Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (born 1912), former president of Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and Chaief Rabbi at Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple, died last month. In his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah‘, Plaut wrote that Frankist Jews were responsible for the Holocaust. The book’s ‘Forward’...
  14. Denise

    Suppressed Cancer therapies!

    Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Oct, 2004 by Curt Maxwell Editor: Recently, some patients brought their son to see me for low back pain. I was concerned by his emaciated appearance and noticed on the intake form that he had cancer. Naturally I asked about treatment and was...
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    Zionists attend pro-Palestine Christian conference

    The Bethlehem Bible College held its second international ‘Christ at the Checkpoint‘ conference in Bethlehem from March 5-9, 2012. The conference provided a forum for local and international Christians to examine the current situation in the Holy Land in light of biblical texts and principles...
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    Who killed the ‘Proud Jew’ Andrew Breitbart?

    “You cannot be objective when it comes to right and wrong. And Israel is the right. So, I’m a biased journalist, and I’m having a great time doing that,” Andrew Breitbart speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition event in 2001. On March 1, the Jewish daily Forward in its editorial proclaimed...
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    Penn BDS 2012 conference irks Israel Lobby

    Student groups held a three-day national conference advocating a boycott of the Zionist entity at the University of Pennsylvania on February 3-5, 2012 against protests from pro-Israel academics at the Campus, local and national Jewish groups lead by Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Several dozen...
  18. 100th Monkey

    Obama's Gay Past Being Hidden By Killing Ex-Lovers

    Mother of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up Submitted by SadInAmerica on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 8:09pm. In late May, (2010) Wash. DC-based investigative journalist Wayne Madsen had a bombshell revelation about Obama’s membership in a Chicago gay club, Man’s Country. ~ Wayne Madsen Donald Young...
  19. Denise

    The Dogon on Veritas Radio - Ancient Kemetic Culture & The Dogon

    "What a gift it is to be exposed to the traditional spiritual teachings of ancient Africa. This week's guests are Nehez Meniooh and Men Zebah Hasati, American initiates into the secret teachings of the late Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, a Dogon High Priest whose lineage comes from Burkina...
  20. Denise

    It is conclusive - 9/11 aircraft airborne well after crash

    IT IS CONCLUSIVE - 9/11 AIRCRAFT AIRBORNE WELL AFTER CRASH UNITED 93 IN THE VICINITY OF FORT WAYNE, INDIANA AND CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS AT TIME OF SHANKSVILLE ALLEGED CRASH ( - More information has surfaced which conclusively demonstrates the aircraft reportedly used on 9/11...