
  1. Truth Vibrations

    The Aliens Closer Than We Think. Reason To Believe - Full Documentary

    It is a excellent documentary I believe you may enjoy it. UFO - The Aliens Closer Than We Think. Reason To Believe - Full Documentary - Discovery Communications:

    Autumn and I Can't Breathe

    1 Too much increase and pressured air, sugar maples and oaks choked up with cereal reds and oranges, last apples to market, persimmons ... Two falls on two lakes. Flying over Chicago's chunky silken skyline afloat on Lake Michigan's slate prairie, while over the Wannsee a harvest moon lights my...

    getting around utopia

    if you're like me, you closed your eyes one cool november evening, and opened them seconds later to see what at last looked like. blurry, as through saline. bright, as through pupils (and minds) dilated. afloat on a sea of ecstasy, you are shocked...
  4. F

    Staying closer to home

    With all of the unrest in the world, does anyone else find you are traveling closer to home these days? I already had my time overseas years ago and I'm happy I did because I don't see myself going back any time soon. No matter what is going on, there is always a risk when traveling, but things...
  5. Unhypnotized

    CRIMINAL STATE A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism!

    Part I of 3 [ 10 Mins]... Part 2 of 3 [ 10 Mins]... Part 3 of 3 [ 10 Mins]...