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    Special UNHR Watchdog for Iran

    Yesterday, Washington finally succeeded in diverting world’s attention from Israel’s human rights violations by blackmailing (US pays 22% of the UN’s annual budget of $1.18 billion) the 47-members UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to appoint a Special Rapporteur on Human Rights for Iran. Professor...
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    American Muslims, terrorism and Israel Lobby

    “Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, I’m telling you, you’re not my brothers,” Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama, January, 19, 2011. However, after being booted by the Jewish Lobby – Bentley apologized for his bigotry ahead of his scheduled meeting with...

    Republican Endangered Species Will Be Key to 2012

    NEW YORK – Republican Endangered Species Will Be Key to 2012Instead of striving for party purity, GOP elephants and grizzlies must accept moderates and RINOs if they’re going to have a prayer against Obama in 2012. Mark McKinnon on why Mitch Daniels and Haley Barbour are on the right track. If...
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    Washington cannot say ‘NO’ to Jewish Lobby

    When you read American political system from objective sources, you discover that the Jewish lobby groups have major influence in shaping America’s foreign policy. Last year, Hollywood filmmaker, Oliver Stone, in an interview with British daily Sunday Times – in response to why there was “such a...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Fox News Caught In Shocking Dirty Tricks Stunt Against Ron Paul

    News channel deceptively represented Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll victory with footage from 2010 event at which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed result Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, February 16, 2011 In a shocking act of mass public deception, Fox News attempted to...
  6. Truth Vibrations

    NAACP to governor: Condemn KKK honor -- The Mississippi NAACP has called on Governor Haley Barbour to publicly denounce an attempt by a Confederacy group to honor a Ku Klux Klan leader, the organization said Monday. The Sons of Confederate Veterans has...