
  1. Unhypnotized

    Use of SSRI Antidepressants During Pregnancy Linked to Higher Risk of Autism July 6, 2011 Via:*Time: In a study involving data on more than 1,800 children — fewer than 300 of whom had an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) — and their mothers, the scientists found that women who were prescribed drugs to treat depression in the year before giving birth were twice...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Alex Jones: Keynote Speaker at the 'TALKERS' Conference...

    Alex Jones - Talkers Magazine 2011 Keynote Speech Alex Jones gives the keynote speech at the Talkers Magazine New Media Seminar, held in New York City and attended by prominent media personalities as well as other industry movers and shakers. Introducing the speech, fellow talk radio host...
  3. Denise

    Message from Matthew ~ Towards a Greater Understanding ~ June 11, 2011

    All light beings are beaming love to you, and some are walking beside you, unseen but ever present. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the most dedicated lightworkers have occasional moments of doubt that everything long promised can be...
  4. Denise

    Matthew Ward Message June 11, 2011

    Golden Age threshhold on target; reasons for imminent arrival of space family; effects of high and low frequencies, suggestions for relief; spiritual perspective of dark ones on the planet; no mass exodus during Earth's ascension; lightworkers' participation in world transformation...
  5. Denise

    Archangel Michael: A Light Epidemic Is Sweeping the Earth

    Beloved masters, there is a Light epidemic whereby every person on Earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God Light; however, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of Light that their physical vessels can accommodate. You must be able to metabolize...
  6. R

    Israel in Asia

    During the 20th century, Russian, Japanese and the British had built separate Jewish Homelands to implement their imperial agenda. On May 7, 1933 – Russian dictator and mass-murder, Joseph Stalin created an autonomous Jewish state in Birobidjan (or Birobidzhan) within communist Russia...
  7. Unhypnotized

    The Cost of Bin Laden: $3 Trillion Over 15 Years

    Tim Fernholz and Jim Tankersley National Journal Friday, May 6, 2011 As we mark Osama bin Laden’s death, what’s striking is how much he cost our nation—and how little we’ve gained from our fight against him. By conservative estimates, bin Laden cost the United States at least $3 trillion over...

    Depression Glass

    It must have been October, right after the annual hanging of the winter drapes and the ceremonial unrolling of the rug from its summer sleep behind the sofa. Gone were the slipcovers, leaving the upholstery stripped down to warm arms again, and the little living room transformed into a mother...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Investment Legends – “Dollar Collapse Inevitable”

    Zero Hedge March 24, 2011 Submitted by Jeff Clark of Casey Research What will happen to the U.S. economy and the dollar in the near term? Will inflation increase dramatically? What is the outlook for gold, and where should you put your money? BIG GOLD asked a world-class panel of...
  10. Unhypnotized

    3 World Wars Planned by Illuminati Alber Pike in 1871! Everything About NWO!

    Pike's Letter to Mazzini (August 15, 1871) This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. It is a commonly believed fallacy...
  11. Unhypnotized

    The System is Going Down Hard

    I asked Gerald how bad things are going to get because he has a feeling for that more than most. In this interview it's a man from Brooklyn talking to the street wise guy from the Bronx. The interview leads off an essay that addresses the converging simultaneous events of food crisis...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles

    'This spring, the United Arab Emirates is expected to close a deal for $7 billion dollars’ worth of American arms. Nearly half of the cash will be spent on Patriot missiles, which cost as much as $5.9 million apiece. But what makes those eye-popping sums even more shocking is that some of the...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Engineered Economic Collapse Approaching; Budget Cuts Will Only Accelerate the Inevitable

    Eric Blair Feb 14, 2011 Ron Paul constantly reminds us that money is created out of thin air, which is to say it’s an illusion. Therefore, the debt must be an illusion too, correct? Yet, fiscal conservatives still use the debt as a tool of fear to make budget cuts that they...
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Female teacher acquitted in sex assault on boy, 15

    A Shell Lake teacher has been found not criminally responsible due to mental illness in the sexual assault of a 15-year-old boy. Michelle Francoeur was charged following a complaint she had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a boy who was formerly a student at the school where she taught...
  15. Unhypnotized

    High ranking bilderberg mason spills the beans on his death-bed

    NOTE: It would appear that the New World Order is about to control our planet earth, but Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan to defeat evil on our planet. Watch it unfiold.---PHB An Oil Tycoon - a high ranking Bilderberg Mason is terminally ill in theUSA. He opened his remorseful heart...
  16. Unhypnotized

    How to Abolish the Fed and Convert to Gold as Money

    David Redick Activist Post Now that Rep. Ron Paul (R, TX-14) has become Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee, which provides congressional oversight of our central bank, the Federal Reserve System (Fed), the managers at the Fed are facing the dreaded time when they may have...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Violent Seismic Activity Tearing Africa in Two

    Photo Gallery: 22 Photos University of Bristol / Lorraine Field The fissures began appearing years ago. But in recent months, seismic activity has accelerated in northeastern Africa as the continent breaks apart in slow motion. Researchers say that lava in the region is consistent...
  18. CASPER

    Study: Errors lead surgeons to contemplate suicide

    CHICAGO – A study suggests medical errors, job burnout and depression lead surgeons to contemplate suicide at higher rates than the general public, and they're much less likely to seek help. Fear of losing their jobs contributes to surgeons' reluctance to get mental health treatment, according...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Tunisian Wikileaks Putsch: CIA Touts Mediterranean Tsunami of Coups

    Webster Tarpley January 17, 2011 The Arab world needs to learn a few fundamental lessons about the mechanics of CIA color revolutions, lest they replicate the tragic experience of Georgia, Ukraine, and so many others. The US intelligence community is now in a manic fit of...
  20. funbunz29

    How to Fix Your Broken Brain

    Most of us have experienced conditions such as depression, anxiety, memory problems and trouble focusing or just plain brain fog. We think these problems are all in our heads. However, in his pioneering new book, "The UltraMind Solution," Mark Hyman, M.D., explains how the real causes of these...