
  1. D

    [Attention] Families First Funeral Home & Tribute Centre (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Breaking The Law And Endangering Lives For Their Own Benefit

    Here's a little excerpt from the article: To read the rest of the article (and I strongly recommend you do) please go to: Families First Funeral Home & Tribute Centre - Breaking The Law And Endangering Lives For Their Own Benefit: Other company's / things that suck!; Families First thinks they...

    Suicide bomber kills 36 at funeral in NW Pakistan

    PESHAWAR, Pakistan – A suicide bomber struck a funeral attended by anti-Taliban militiamen in northwestern Pakistan on Wednesday, killing at least 36 mourners and wounding more than 100 in the deadliest militant attack in the country this year. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility. The...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Lethbridge funeral home reused caskets: police

    A funeral home in Lethbridge, Alta., is facing charges of fraud and offering indignities to dead bodies, police said Wednesday. The owners of Cornerstone Funeral Home are accused of repeatedly using a rental casket without replacing the lining and carrying out cremations using cardboard...