

    Earth Biodiversity Pattern May Trace Back to Bobbing Solar System Path

    A puzzlingly regular waxing and waning of Earth's biodiversity may ultimately trace back to our solar system's bobbing path around the Milky Way, a new study suggests. Every 60 million years or so, two things happen, roughly in synch: The solar system peeks its head to the north of the average...

    Sun's Gravity Could Be Tapped to Call E.T.

    Our own sun might represent the best communications device around, if only we could harness its power, scientists say. If the sun's gravity could be used to create a giant telescope, people could send and receive intensely magnified signals that could allow us to call an alien civilization...
  3. buttman302

    [Cool!] Voyager near Solar System's edge

    By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News, San Francisco Voyager is approaching the edge of the bubble of charged particles the Sun has thrown out into space Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, has reached a new milestone in its quest to leave the Solar System. Now...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Voyager near Solar System's edge

    Voyager is approaching the edge of the bubble of charged particles the Sun has thrown out into space Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, has reached a new milestone in its quest to leave the Solar System. Now 17.4bn km (10.8bn miles) from home, the veteran probe has detected a...

    Evidence for ET is mounting daily, but not proven

    WASHINGTON – Lately, a handful of new discoveries make it seem more likely that we are not alone — that there is life somewhere else in the universe. In the past several days, scientists have reported there are three times as many stars as they previously thought. Another group of researchers...

    First Alien Planet From Another Galaxy Discovered

    Astronomers have found an alien planet confirmed to come from another galaxy for the first time, a new study finds. The Jupiter-like planet orbits a star that was born in another galaxy and later captured by our own Milky Way sometime between 6 billion and 9 billion years ago, researchers said...

    Discovery May Triple the Number of Stars In the Universe

    Stars known as red dwarfs might be far more common than previously thought, enough to triple the total number of stars known in the universe, a new study suggests. These new findings could also boost the number of planets that could harbor life, astronomers announced today (Dec. 1). Red dwarfs...

    Starry starry starry night: Star count may triple

    The universe may glitter with far more stars than even Carl Sagan imagined when he rhapsodized about billions upon billions. A new study suggests there are a mind-blowing 300 sextillion of them, or three times as many as scientists previously calculated. That is a 3 followed by 23 zeros. Or 3...

    Einstein's 'Biggest Blunder' Turns Out to Be Right

    What Einstein called his worst mistake, scientists are now depending on to help explain the universe. In 1917, Albert Einstein inserted a term called the cosmological constant into his theory of general relativity to force the equations to predict a stationary universe in keeping with...
  10. CASPER

    Andromeda Galaxy Visible to Eagle-Eye Skywatchers

    Soon after sunset, as the sky gets dark, look toward the south and you'll immediately notice the brilliant planet Jupiter, but there's another night sky target that also promises a great experience: the amazing Andromeda Galaxy. Jupiter is a great starting point to find the Andromeda Galaxy...
  11. CASPER

    Astronomers over the Moon about Apertif

    The ability to simultaneously detect radio signals of two widely separated pulsars ushers in a new era in radio astronomy. Astronomers at ASTRON have, by simultaneously detecting the radio signals of two widely separated pulsars, demonstrated the feasibility of new receiver technology that will...
  12. CASPER

    Hubble captures new life in an ancient galaxy

    Elliptical galaxies were once thought to be aging star cities whose star-making heyday was billions of years ago. But new observations with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope are helping to show that elliptical galaxies still have some youthful vigor left, thanks to encounters with smaller galaxies...
  13. CASPER

    Planet from another galaxy discovered

    Galactic cannibalism brings an exoplanet of extragalactic origin within astronomers' reach. An exoplanet orbiting a star that entered our Milky Way from another galaxy has been detected by a European team of astronomers using the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at the European Southern...
  14. CASPER

    'Baby black hole' offers insight into cosmic enigma

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – Astronomers on Tuesday announced they had found the youngest black hole ever found in Earth's cosmic neighbourhood, a discovery offering a rare chance to probe one of the mightiest and strangest forces in the Universe. The black hole is believed to be a remnant of SN 1979C, a...
  15. CASPER

    The sun is DE-STABILIZING by December 21st, 2,012.

    Tuesday, 16th November, 2,010. J45 What's happening?? It is most important you realize what is happening. It is hard to know where to begin. Nor do I know where we finish exactly. I know A BIT. I shall try to put it to you - as best I can. 1. The sun is DE-STABILIZING.(As it...
  16. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Parallel Universe by Michio Kaku - all about LISA 2011

    LISA spacecraft The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a planned space mission to detect and accurately measure gravitational waves from astronomical sources. LISA is a joint effort between the United States space agency NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). LISA was recommended...
  17. Instrumedley

    Great Insightful Informational Websites

    Hey all, didn't know where to post some of these site link, so I decided to place them here, hope you enjoy them. -Lang'r - Your #1 Source for the Truth Xee-A Twelve Vida en Nuestra Galaxia - Life in Our Galaxy The Research of Amitakh Stanford
  18. CASPER

    Galaxy Collision May Reveal Insights on Universe's Evolution

    A new image of a galactic pileup shows the vivid chaos of two colliding galaxies, giving astronomers a ringside seat to watch how the cosmic mergers can influence the evolution of the universe. The spectacular new image was obtained by the European Southern Observatory. It shows the famous...
  19. Unhypnotized

    NASA’s Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy

    NASA Nov 10, 2010 WASHINGTON — NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has unveiled a previously unseen structure centered in the Milky Way. The feature spans 50,000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the center of our galaxy. “What we see are two...
  20. CASPER

    Huge Bubbles Found at Milky Way's Heart Could Signal a Black Hole Eruption

    Scientists have detected two gigantic bubbles of high-energy radiation spilling out from the Milky Way's center that may have erupted from a supermassive black hole. The mysterious structures each span 25,000 light-years across, and are emitting gamma rays, the highest-energy wavelength of...