
  1. Boiling Frog

    [Must Watch!] Obama destroyed & called a war criminal in Irish Parliament WOW!

    By George I think they got it! More here:
  2. 100th Monkey

    Whats on this boat that nobody wants? - Soviet ghost ship spotted off Irish coast 02/22/2013

    Exactly why isn't anybody taking this vessel to dock? What is aboard? How come it's continuing to wander about international waters? Exactly why are no salvage rights are being employed?
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Magdalene laundries: Irish Prime Minister issues apology

    From the BBC Magdalene laundries: Irish Prime Minister issues apology Enda Kenny made the apology in the Irish parliament on Tuesday The Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach), Enda Kenny, has formally apologised on behalf of the state for its role in the Magdalene laundries.Some 10,000 women and...
  4. Denise

    [Wow!] Irish journalist Vincent Browne Makes a Banker Speechless

    Irish journalist Vincent Browne confronts the ECB's (European Central Bank) Klaus Masuch demanding to know where the money is going.
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Irish Demonstrate the Use of Common Law to Stop Bank Home Owner Repossession

    On the 20 February 2012 the deputy Sheriff arrived at another Irish family's home to repossess it and give the keys to the bank in Co Laois. Thus putting another Irish family onto the streets. follow-up video here:
  6. Unhypnotized

    Project Camelot's Kerry interviewed by alan and steve from open your mind : An irish radio show

    Open Your Mind Radio Interview with Kerry As mentioned yesterday I was interviewed by a couple of Irish guys (Alan & Steve) on this Irish internet radio show. To listen to the show click the link: listen to the archived show OYM Radio scroll down to May 29th...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Ireland facing potato crisis as frigid weather grips nation

    PATRICK ROBERTS Irish Central January 7, 2010 As Ireland faces the prospect of ten more days of freezing temperatures, potato farmers in Ireland are facing a very uncertain future as they can’t harvest their crops. Between the floods around the country in November and the subsequent freeze in...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Irish Referendum – Evidence of Fraud – Video

    Infowars Ireland Monday, Oct 5th, 2009 Irish Referendum 2nd Oct, 2009 – A complete Farce. Video shows a man removing a ballot box from where they were supposed to be under supervised, secure storage before the referendum count next morning. (Video taken at Cork City hall, Ireland, during...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Irish exit polls show yes majority for Lisbon treaty

    Ireland is on course to ratify the Lisbon treaty, with early tallies showing a strong surge for a yes vote this morning. The outcome of yesterday’s referendum, which will be known later today, is set to put the European Union reform project back on track. As early as 9.30am at the ballot count...