
  1. New UFO Hunter

    Dr Karla Turner PhD - The Reptilians

    Name: Dr. Karla Turner PhD Subject matter: Extraterrestrial Civilizations (Reptilians) Brief Description: Abduction The Secret Agenda - Reptilians - 1993 Name: Dr. Karla Turner PhD Subject matter: Extraterrestrial Civilizations (Reptilians) Brief Description: Lecture at MUFON Convention -...
  2. New UFO Hunter

    The UFO Masquerade: Dr. Karla Turner

    The UFO Masquerade: Dr. Karla Turner discusses her latest findings relating to her research of covert abductions of human beings by alien beings and human military personnel. Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, just a few short months after speaking at this UFO conference and...
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Karla Turner UFO Abduction -The-Secret Agenda (1993)

    Filmed in 1993 the late Dr. Karla Turner, reseacher of UFO and military abductions, discusses her findings after years of personal experience and working closely with many abductees. Her conclusions, reported in her works "Taken" and "Masquerade of Angels," are some of the most important to hear...