
  1. D

    Dam Flood Most Costly Disaster Since Hurricane Katrina

  2. Truth Vibrations

    This may be hurricane Katrina all over again 7 years later to the DAY!

    Eerie similarities: Isaac follows track of Katrina, evacuations ordered for coast. Thousands in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama were being told early Monday to leave their Gulf Coast homes ahead of the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac as forecasters warned it was gaining strength as it...
  3. 100th Monkey

    Tropical Storm Isaac expected to make Gulf coast landfall Tuesday

    Tropical Storm Isaac, which has delayed the opening of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, is expected to make landfall somewhere in the southern Gulf coast region of the US Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. It will likely strengthen to a Category 1, 2 or perhaps 3...
  4. H

    Hi guys!

    Hello from Katrina country ! Nice to be here. This looks like it might be an interesting place.