
  1. Denise

    Alien hunter steps down from extraterrestrial search

    I thought this might be of interest to someone. Remember the character Jodie Foster played in the movie "Contact," based on the book by Carl Sagan? She wasn't entirely invented; her character's basis was astronomer Jill Tarter. Tarter, 68, has spent more than three decades leading the search...
  2. T

    [Info!] Recently joined

    Recently joined this "open" forum. Tomorrow is my 65th birthday. Seems to me, once you begin questioning (in college in the '60s) you live a more interesting life. And the questions just become more meaningful. andy
  3. White Rabbit

    Testimony of a former Illuminati

    This testimony talks about the life of a former Illuminati insider.
  4. Denise

    [Inspiring] Pollination: it's vital to life on Earth, but largely unseen by the human eye

    TED: Ideas worth spreading Pollination: it's vital to life on Earth, but largely unseen by the human eye. Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg shows us the intricate world of pollen and pollinators with gorgeous high-speed images from his film "Wings of Life," inspired by the vanishing of one of...
  5. Denise

    Springtime: White Blossoms flowering time lapse

    Springtime and new life begains:
  6. Denise

    She crossed over...and came back to share what she learned

    Doctors at the hospital had given Anita just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital that morning, unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for over three years. Anita shares her experience of entering another dimension and being given a choice of whether to...

    Sea Life in St. Mark's Square

    Sea Life in St. Mark's Square The fish are visiting sunken cities, the legendary watropolis. They move across brows of mountain ranges, to unlaced canals, above crumbling walls conservators fretted over; where people...
  8. Denise

    Do not fear death by Doctor Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde

    Doctor Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, Md, Author, Former Chief Medical Officer, Finland talks about her life: Worthy of a look:

    Nurse Reveals The Top 5 Regrets People Make On Their Deathbed

    Here's an article I came across. Thought it was pretty good. Here's the jist of it: The full article can be found at: Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed | Caroline Nettle 's Empower Network Blog
  10. Denise

    DNA cross section photo - flower of life

    Here is a photo of a cross-section of dna, it looks like the flower of life: Source:http://storiesforspeakers.blogspot.c...s-awesome.html
  11. Denise

    NASA - NASA's Kepler Mission Confirms Its First Planet in Habitable Zone...

    More news on possible life on other planets:
  12. 100th Monkey

    King Arthur - Is It Real

    The legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is well known, having been told for centuries and immortalized in films and books. The questions, however, remain about the reality of the man; did he ever actually exist? There are scant mentions of him in historical documents and...
  13. Denise

    Conscious Media Network Interviews: Bob Dean August 2011

    I just discovered this, and haven't even watched it yet myself, but he's talking about past life experiences in the first few minutes. Should be interesting! Enjoy!
  14. J


    Hello and welcome to the forum it is a real pleasure to meet you all hope that we can bring something special in our life through this forum. Good luck. nice to be here... Glad to meet you all5
  15. Denise

    When it becomes clear that your consciousness is much more important then life

    When it becomes clear that your consciousness is much more important and vital than your money, house, spouse, males, females, children, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, your nation, etc... you will then know your consciousness is much more important than your life itself then that's...
  16. Denise

    Message from the Angels--"Shoulds"

    Today's Angel Message ==================== My dear friends, we love you so very much. Dear ones, the more you connect with your own hearts, the more you connect with God, and the more connected you will feel with all of life. For you cannot possibly relate to others or the world around you...
  17. Denise

    David icke -the corrupt money & banking system - enslaving humanity

    Bankers are sociopaths and parasites who`ve probably never done a proper days work in their life. An excerpt from David Icke's Turning of the Tide 1996 Source:
  18. CASPER

    Black Loam

    It's been another good year. I pitchfork my poems into the air over and over until the black grains of letters pile up into never before thought of things. All winter I'll pound them into dust and bake from that the black bread of meaning which is leavened by death and is its source and...
  19. Denise

    Akashic Records For April 2011

    What energies and experiences can we expect in April 2011? The feeling this month is similar to the feeling of going down a roller coaster. The collective energy speeds up so that time will seem to pass more quickly, and you may feel as if you cannot keep track of things very well. For many...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Inspiration: We Can All Be Interviewers

    Please let me know what you think about this, honestly i still felt hesitant to release this but I decided to do it anyway to see your reaction and where I should go next with my work. I recently been through a hard time in my life and I am trying to find myself through expressing myself...