
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Andy Lloyd Links Göbekli Tepe in Turkey to Nibiru

    This is very interesting: Source: Dark Star News by Andy Lloyd
  2. Boiling Frog

    Lloyd Pye the guy behind the "Star Child Skull" has been diagnosed with cancer

    LLOYD PYE HAS CANCER On July 19th, 2013, Lloyd Pye announced that he has been diagnosed with Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma, cancer. The condition is serious and life-threatening, but can be treated. Lloyd is seeking donations to help pay for his...
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Former Military Intelligence Specialist Lloyd Pye - The Starchild Skull

    Name: Lloyd Pye Job Description: Former Military Intelligence Specialist Subject matter: Extraterrestrial Remains Brief Description: The Starchild Skull Enigma Lecture - 2009 Name: Lloyd Pye Job Description: Former Military Intelligence Specialist Subject matter: Extraterrestrial Remains...
  4. Boiling Frog

    Jordan Maxwell - Interview with Lloyd Pye

    This is awesome with Jordan Maxwell and Lloyd Pye:
  5. Unhypnotized

    Quantum time machine 'allows paradox-free time travel'

    Quantum physicists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe it is possible to create a time machine which could affect the past without creating a "grandfather paradox" Scientists have for some years been able to 'teleport' quantum states from one place to another. Now Seth Lloyd...