
  1. 100th Monkey

    Red Ice Creations - Real Meaning of "Shakespear's" Plays with Joseph Atwill

    It appears that a woman named Amelia Bassano actually wrote Shakespear'd plays: Joseph Atwill - Hour 1 - Shakespeare's Secret Messiah & Vengeance on Europe June 13, 2014
  2. Denise

    9 year old discusses the meaning of life and the universe

    If he get it we should!

    Building and Earthquake

    How easy it is for a dream to construct both building and earthquake. Also the nine flights of wooden stairs in the dark, and the trembling horse, its hard breathing loud in the sudden after-silence and starlight. This time the dream allows the building to stand. Something it takes the dreamer a...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Meaning of In Lak'esh


    Fire Should Be Measured by What Didn't Burn

    Passion is inferred by what isn't said. Absence will be valued by the one who notices first. Pleasure can be ranked by all other thoughts kept out. Fatigue is always spoken in a narrow range of voice. Wars are justified by the troops who didn't die. Progress is best measured when sleep shuts out...
  6. Rohaan

    Prophecy Demystified: The Non-Existent “Mayan Prophecies” and the Real Meaning of “Pr

    Prophecy Demystified: The Non-Existent “Mayan Prophecies” and the Real Meaning of “Prophecy”