middle earth

  1. Sheldan Nidle ~ "Our Labors of Hercules" To Be Rewarded ~ February 28, 2012

    4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik 

 Dratzo! We return! The ultimatums, and the pressures resulting from them, have forced the resignations of many in the lower levels of the dark cabal. This marks the beginning of the denouement which will bring out into the open all that we have been working toward and...
  2. Sheldan Nidle ~ Heaven's Divine Mandate ~ February 14, 2012

    3 Oc, 3 Zac, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! On this day dedicated to love and romance on your world, much continues to happen behind the scenes. The secret sacred societies of East and West have come together to set up a plan to replace the major governments of your planet. As you know, the most...
  3. Sheldan Nidle ~ March to Freedom by Heaven's Decree ~ January 31, 2012

    2 Cib, 9 Yax, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Our alliances with Gaia's secret sacred societies and our Earth allies continue to reap results. The time has arrived for our Earth allies to pressure the major banking cartels with a legal request. This concerns the cartels' practice of hiding the...
  4. Sheldan update for January 24th

    8 Muluc, 2 Yax, 8 Manik Dratzo! We begin another message! Over the past few weeks, we have observed the difficulties experienced by those who have long bowed down to the dark cabal, when called upon to act in a new way. Our Earth allies deeply desire to bring this world to a new reality, and...
  5. Sheldan Nidle ~ A Gift From Heaven ~ January 17, 2012

    Gaia is ready to move to full consciousness. Let us all come together and use our collective abilities to throw off the chains of the dark. We are here to assist you and celebrate your return to full consciousness! 1 Ik, 15 Chen, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Much is happening! The dark cabal is...
  6. Sheldan Nidle ~ You Are Physical Angels in a New Star Nation ~ January 3, 2012

13 Lamat, 1 Chen, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Much continues to happen across your world. The global movement toward freedom is strengthening each day, and even the military challenges experienced by many in their pursuit of justice can only temporarily delay the inevitable. A huge upwelling...
  7. Sheldan Nidle ~ Sacred Commands of Heaven ~ December 20, 2011

    12 Ix, 7 Mol, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! You are now in the midst of a global dilemma: your surface world is drawing ever closer to its shift into a 5-D unified reality, but those in charge of your world, despite efforts by many to depose them, remain defiant of the disaster that is swiftly...
  8. Sheldan Nidle ~ Freeing Humanity from the Shackles ~ December 13, 2011

    5 Manik, 0 Mol, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return on this eve of your numerous global holidays! Your reality continues its upward path into the 5th dimension. This progress can be charted by the ever-rising base resonance of Mother Earth. Gaia is going through a series of swift birth pangs which...
  9. Sheldan Nidle ~ We Are Living in A Sacred Moment! ~ December 6, 2011

    11 Ahau, 13 Yaxk'in, 8 Manik Selamat Balik! We return! The cords that tie your reality together are rapidly dissolving and transforming into the grids of a new one. Initially, this new one is manifesting various debacles that are churning things up in every corner of your world, and...
  10. Sheldan Nidle ~ Catapulting Your World Toward a New Reality ~ November 29 2011

    4 Ben, 6 Yaxk'in, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return with lots to discuss with you. Several events are ready to happen which will catapult your world toward a new reality. At present you are watching a number of situations which point toward the coming collapse of your global setup. Furthermore...
  11. Sheldan Nidle ~ New Energies Bring a New Reality ~ November 22, 2011

    10 Cimi, 19 Xul, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return with more to say about your world and its divine transformation. As Gaia moves ever closer to altering your surface reality, the Agarthans are using their abilities to prevent the dark from having any hope of mounting a comeback. Right...
  12. Sheldan Nidle ~ Your World Is Ever Deeper into Transformation ~ November 8, 2011

    9Eb, 5 Xul, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving ever deeper into transformation. A wide range of activities to bring about change are making headway, despite the best efforts of the dark cabal to crush opposition to several tyrants who are bent on keeping an iron grip on their...
  13. Sheldan Nidle ~ Collapse of Your Reality's Time-Space Grids ~ November 1, 2011

    2 Chicchan, 18 Tzec, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! The collapse of your reality's time-space grids continues to accelerate. These grids support and maintain the existence of your reality and it is quite apparent that it has reached the point where its perpetuation is no longer workable...
  14. Sheldan Nidle ~ The Transformation of Humanity ~ October 25, 2011

    8 Etznab, 11 Tzec, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! The moratorium imposed by the Earth allies on their various objectives is ready to be lifted. It has been a difficult task to locate and take into custody all those individuals involved in the dark's last delaying actions. In the same...
  15. Sheldan Nidle ~ Your Coming Prosperity Funds ~ October 18, 2011

    Batz, 4 Tzec, 8 Manik 

Selamat Balik! We return in a state of joy! Progress is being made on many fronts as we put in motion the final directives which will shortly allow the funding to begin. Concurrently, a series of meetings have cleared up certain misunderstandings between our Earth...
  16. Sheldan Nidle ~ Your World is Planning a Grand Event ~ October 4, 2011

    13 Caban, 10 Tzotz, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving swiftly to the magic point where those in power discover that truly “The center will not hold” (to quote one of your poets), and their relentless defiance of the Earth allies has reached the much-awaited breaking-point...
  17. Sheldan Nidle ~ By Heaven's Grand Decree ~ September 20, 2011


12 Akbal, 16 Zip, 8 Manik 

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in its transition mode. We observe how all the foundational constructs of your numerous societies are in the process of collapse; your economic and governmental structures as well as your philosophical and basic moral codes...
  18. Sheldan Nidle ~ Time to Manifest Your New Reality ~ September 13, 2001

    5 Cib, 9 Zip, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in transition mode between the old and the first intimations of the new. Many on your world who are involved with implementing these changes want so badly for every little thing to go right. However, it is more important in our...
  19. Sheldan Nidle ~ Restoring your Inalienable Rights ~ August 30 2011

    4 Ik, 15 Uo, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world is beginning to feel the effects of the great change which will overturn major governments and restore your inalienable rights. This massive transformation is sending shock waves rippling through your global network of stock markets and...
  20. Sheldan Nidle ~ Your Prosperity Still on Target ~ August 16, 2011

    Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation ~ Lamat, 1 Uo, 8 Manik 

 Selamat Jarin! We return with another report concerning your world! At present, we are tracking a number of individual unit commanders who are summarily defying the series of recent...