
  1. New UFO Hunter

    Former MOD Nick Pope Quoting from British Defence Intelligence Project Condign - UFO - 2013

    Former MOD Nick Pope Quoting from British Defence Intelligence Project Condign - 1 - UFO - 2013 Former MOD Nick Pope Quoting from British Defence Intelligence Project Condign - 2 - UFO - 2013 Former MOD Nick Pope UFO/UAP - Project Condign - MOD confirms UFO/UAP phenomena - 2013
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Daily Telegraph UK article on UFOs - Ministry of Defence ending investigations

    The Ministry of Defence will no longer investigate UFO sightings after ruling there is “no evidence” they pose a threat to the UK despite a senior aviation official admitting the country is visited by one unidentified flying object a month. Jane Randall from Woking, Surrey, captured a strange...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    AMMACH: British Abductee 'John Shelton' tells all on Milabs/Aliens & MoD..!

    A-M-M-A-C-H: Anomalous mind management Aductee Contactee Helpline VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED AMMACH John Shelton Part 1 of 3 I will update this when parts 2 and 3 are uploaded