

    Police: Suicide bomber kills 2 at Iraqi restaurant

    BAGHDAD – A suicide bomber detonated an explosives belt Saturday at a restaurant popular with Iraqi security forces in a city that was once a flash point for sectarian slaughter, killing at least two people, authorities said. The attack came the same day an al-Qaida front group in Iraq claimed...

    Anger as NATO airstrike kills 4 Afghan soldiers

    KABUL – A joint U.S.-Afghan force called in an airstrike on what turned out to be an Afghan army post after taking fire from there before dawn Saturday, killing four Afghan soldiers and prompting an angry demand for punishment from the country's defense ministry. Both NATO and Afghan...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer interviewed on the Alex Jones Show

    9/11 Blogger January 8, 2010 Intelligence Officer Anthony Shaffer. Anthony Shaffer (intelligence officer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:SHAFFER.jpg" class="image"><img alt=""...

    CIA bomber coerced to work for Jordan spy agency

    ZARQA, Jordan – The suspected Jordanian double agent who killed seven CIA officers in Afghanistan was thrown into jail by Jordanian intelligence to coerce him to track down al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, Mideast counterterrorism officials said Tuesday. The 32-year-old doctor's allegiance was to...

    Yemeni forces raid al-Qaida hideout, clashes erupt

    SAN'A, Yemen – Yemeni forces raided an al-Qaida hideout and set off a gunbattle Wednesday as the government vowed to eliminate the group that claimed it was behind the Christmas bombing attempt on a U.S. airliner. The fighting took place in an al-Qaida stronghold in western Yemen, haven for a...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Briton Mohammed Ezzouek was held in Somalia as an al-Qaida suspect: his interrogators

    Jamie Doward London Guardian Sunday, Dec 13th, 2009 Mohammed Ezzouek began to pray. He believed his death was imminent and that it would be bloody and brutal. The 23-year-old from west London could hear men talking in Somali. “They were saying: ‘You lot are al-Qaida’ and laughing,” he recalls...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Notorious Double Agent Gadahn Apologizes for al-Qaeda Murders

    Kurt Nimmo December 12, 2009 In order to keep the CIA created terror group al-Qaeda in the news as Obama prepares to send thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan, the corporate media is reporting today on Adam Gadahn’s profuse apology. The latest al-Qaeda video...
  8. Unhypnotized

    ElBaradei warns against Israel attacking Iran

    Press TV Sunday, Dec 6th, 2009 Mohammed ElBaradei, the recently retired former head of the UN nuclear watchdog, warns against an alleged plan by the Israeli government to attack Iran’s nuclear sites. In a recent interview with The Washington Post, ElBaradei said an Israeli military strike...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Senator Wants to Know if the Dead Osama will be Read Miranda Rights

    Kurt Nimmo Infowars November 27, 2009 New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez wants to put a dead man on trial in a U.S. civilian court. Menendez has told CNSNews that Osama bin Laden should be brought to justice and prosecuted in civilian court, where he will most certainly be convicted. “When we...
  10. Unhypnotized

    The 7 Universal Laws “The Lips Of Wisdom Are Closed Except To The Ears Of Understanding.” The Kybalion The Seven Cosmic Laws were introduced to humanity over 4000 years ago by Hermes Trismegistus. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Galileo, Newton, Einstein...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Some U.S. holiday terror?

    Jerry Mazza Infowars November 20, 2009 Okay, call me crazy, paranoid, even “a conspiracy theorist.” Egads! But I heard it first on the news this morning. Then it flashed across my computer screen this afternoon in a story from the Washington Post. FAA: Computer system restored, delays...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Holder Downplays Concerns Over 9/11 Trial

    Fox News November 18, 2009 Despite growing concerns that trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others in civilian court triggers a host of complications for the prosecution, Attorney General Eric Holder says he’s confident the cases will be “successful.” Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Boehner: 9/11 Show Trial an ?Irresponsible Decision?

    Kurt Nimmo Infowars November 13, 2009 Fox News tells us the “new” Republican party will save us from the “socialist” excesses of the Obama administration and the Democrats. Republicans are re-thinking their political strategy, we are assured, and embracing constitutional principles. Sarah...
  14. Unhypnotized

    U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, October 19, 2009 The U.S. government effectively attacked Iran yesterday after its proxy terror group Jundullah launched a suicide bomb attack against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard at their headquarters in Pishin, near the border with...
  15. Unhypnotized

    ?Terror cell? found in cradle of 9/11

    Tony Paterson The Independent October 8, 2009 German intelligence services were yesterday reported to have discovered a new Islamic terrorist cell operating from the port of Hamburg – the same city from which the devastating 9/11 attacks on the United States were secretly conceived and planned...
  16. CASPER

    Kuwait censors 'terror' blogs -report

    Kuwait has blocked a number of internet blogs and websites with links to "terror" cells and groups, a top official said in comments published on Friday. "The ministry has blocked blogs ... used by some to communicate with terror cells and extremist groups," communications ministry...
  17. CASPER

    Pakistan destroys suicide bomber training camp

    ISLAMABAD – Helicopter gunships destroyed a training camp for suicide bombers in Pakistan's northwestern Swat Valley, killing six Taliban fighters in an area the government had already declared clear of militants, an official said Saturday. The camp's trainees — including teenagers — were...
  18. CASPER

    Bombs kill 18 in Iraq, mostly in remote villages

    BAGHDAD – Bombs struck a cafe in Baghdad and remote communities in northern Iraq on Saturday, killing at least 18 people, as the visiting Iranian foreign minister warned that Iraq's instability affected the whole region. The blasts came just over a week after suicide truck bombers devastated...
  19. CASPER

    PRABHUPADA The Person the Illuminati Don't Want You to Hear!

    The Illuminati are trying to destroy Prabhupada and his transcendental teachings because he is their greatest enemy and the only real threat to their Demoniac New World Order. Prabhupada has been sent by Krishna [God] to this world to educate all people in the science of self and God...
  20. CASPER

    Nigeria police say suspected Islamists arrested

    MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AFP) – Nigerian authorities cleared bodies on Saturday from the streets of a northern city where troops crushed an Islamic sect's uprising, as police arrested dozens of the group's members. Police said they arrested 36 suspected members of the sect, including two from...