osama bin laden

  1. 100th Monkey

    'Navy Seal Team That "Killed" (Didn't Kill) Osama Bin Laden Now All Dead'

    '31 American military personnel were killed when the Boeing Chinook helicopter in which they were flying crashed in Afghanistan.*Of the thirty-one killed, twenty were members of SEAL Team 6. More importantly, I’ve been reliably informed (by a retired Colonel, US Army intel) that these very...
  2. R

    The ‘Taliban Surge’

    On August 6, 2011 – US-installed President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai announced that 31 US soldiers and 7 Afghan soldiers died in a ISAF holicopter which was shot down by Taliban in the centeral Maidan Wardak Province. Karzai expressed condolences to US President Barack Obama and the families...
  3. R

    Malcolm X: Judged by a Christian and a Jew

    On July 28, 2011 – The Jewish FrontPage magazine published David Forsmark’s review of late Columbia Universtity Professor Manning Marable’s (died March 2011) best-seller Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention. David in his review, entitled ‘The Real Malcolm X?‘ could not hide his Talmudic hatred...
  4. R

    Hitler and secrets of his last days

    Recently, I came across a book by H.D. Baumann, entitled ‘Hitler’s Fate: The Final Story’ which proves that like Osama Bin Laden’s faked death two months ago – Hitler did not commit suicide. Baumann, a survivor of World War II himself, believes that the Hitler of the ‘official story’ was not...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Russian FSB Boss: Internet a Haven for Terrorists

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Planet.com July 6, 2011 The boss of Russia’s Federal Security Service, the main successor of the KGB during the Soviet era, told the state-owned RIA Novosti news agency that global terrorists are actively integrating with new media. Alexander Bortnikov “The activity of many...
  6. R

    India wants to ‘discuss’ Kashmir – Really!

    Under American drone attacks for years and the recent theatrical murder of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad – has proven beyond doubt that Pakistan is on US-Israel hit list. Contrary to that, India is being pampered by the powerful American Jewish Lobby for New Delhi’s close relation with Tel Aviv...
  7. R

    Bible, Jesus and the Evildoers

    Kenneth G. Ramey has posted an interesting article at Salem-News, entitled Conduct Based on Belief, in which he exposes the Christian religious and political extremists for distorting Biblical quotes to support their claim of Jesus being prophesized in the Old Testament. First of all, the...
  8. R

    NYT: ‘Iran and Hizbullah linked to 9/11′

    The New York Tims published a latest Israel Hasbara (propaganda) piece written by Benji Weiser on May 19, 2011, saying: “Iranian officials had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks“. He also claimed that 9/11 Commision Report “found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning for...
  9. R

    Obama holds secret talks with Taliban

    As result of some massonic mircles, such as the second death of Osama bin Laden, removal of Gen. David Petraus, the Zionist military poodle from Afghanistan and the death of AF-Pak Guru, the Zionist Richard Halbrooke’s untimely death - Obama administration has accelerated direct talks with...
  10. CASPER

    Shifting terrorist threats after bin Laden’s death worry U.S. leaders

    The day after a team of U.S. Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden in a stealth raid on his compound in Pakistan, the FBI updated its "10 Most Wanted Fugitives" list with one word under bin Laden's undated photo: "Deceased." But two weeks after the world's most infamous terrorist was buried in the...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Secret Societies & Masterminds

    'The Eight Families banking cartel and their Four Horsemen progeny find Islamic fundamentalism quite compatible with the global monopoly capitalism from which they derive their immense wealth.* Both ideologies advocate centralized control, intolerance of opposition, rule by decree and a return...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Osama's Funeral Reported in December 2001

    Global research Editor's Note The translation from the Arabic has been verified on behalf of Global Research. This funeral announcement was published in the December 26 2001 edition of Al Wafd Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Newspaper: Al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Narrative Behind Bin Laden Fable Flip-Flops AGAIN

    Obama administration’s struggle to get its lies straight is an insult to the intelligence of the American people Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Friday, May 13, 2011 You have to wonder what on earth the Obama administration hopes to achieve by continually insulting the intelligence of...
  14. R

    Fox and the military coup in Iran

    The predictions by Israeli ’experts’ on Iran always amuse me. Their propaganda lies are too many to address here. However, the more sensational deductions have been; ‘wipe out Israel from map’, ‘Ahmadinejad a Holocaust denier’, ‘Ahmadinejad’s family is Jewish’, ‘Ahmadinejad disobeys the Rehbar’...
  15. R

    Israel: ‘Thou shalt not aid PA Unity’

    In order to blackmail Abbas’ Fatah government in the West Bank, the Zionist regime has announced to withhold US$90 million share of PA tax revenue on the lame excuse that as result of the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation – some of that money can fall into Hamas hands. A Shylock do know how to skin a...
  16. Denise

    A New Look Into Your Past ~ Messages from Matthew

    With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. So long ago as to be incalculable in linear time, humankind’s cellular make-up was crystalline and had as many as 24 DNA strands. Through the ages the dark ones manipulated that genetic make-up in some populations by...
  17. R

    Israel: ‘I asked for Pollard not Osama’

    Barack Obama did it again. Jewish Lobby asked Obama to release Jewish master-spy Jonathan Pollard if he wish to get re-elected in 2012 – but instead he staged a White House PSYOP on Osama Bin Laden. I am referring to Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, who recently told Obama to release American...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Hillary Clinton Erased from White House Photo

    Op-Ed: Hasidic newspaper erases Hillary Clinton from White House photo By Bart B. Van Bockstaele. A Jewish newspaper erased Hillary Clinton and another woman from a widespread picture showing White House staff watching the Osama Bin Laden raid. Women are never displayed in the pages of Der...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Obama Administration Official Took Photographs Of Press During Bin Laden Briefing

    New York Times Saturday, May 7, 2011 As CNN, CBS and other outlets are beginning to show the C.I.A. videos, CNN’s Barbara Starr is reporting more details released at the briefing. In one video, the leader of Al Qaeda is shown wrapped in a blanket, watching television – with gray hair and a...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Hoax: White House Claims 4-Year-Old Bin Laden Tapes Are New Footage

    Dubious Bin Laden “Home Movies” Identical To Tapes Released 4 Years Ago By Pentagon Front Group Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Saturday, May 7, 2011 In a desperate effort to bolster its crumbling official narrative, the White House today released a set of dubious Bin Laden “home...