
  1. 100th Monkey

    Petitions you will not believe are getting signed!

    This guy does this all the time, but it shows you how uneducated we all are... Adding more carcinogens to water supply: Obamacare infanticide petition: Karl Marx for president 2016:
  2. Boiling Frog

    Petition - Jailed for a telling a bad joke on facebook, Justin Carter is now on SUICIDE WATCH!

    I found this in my email, and thought I would post it here, it might save a life: You can sign it here: Help: The teen who's in jail for Facebook comments is now on SUICIDE WATCH
  3. Denise

    Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation petition

    If you support it, please sign this very important petition.
  4. syra

    PROTECT IP / SOPA Act Breaks the Internet

    If you live in America and are concerned about your rights please sign the following petition: Congress needs to hear from you, or this bill passes!
  5. Unhypnotized

    Chemtrails petition UK

    Please have a look at this you-tube and the petition.