
  1. 100th Monkey

    Philip Dick - Fascinating Story of the Man Who Remembered The Future

    You probably never heard of Philip K. Dick, but he has change they way we look at he world many times... Source: The Fascinating Story of the Man Who Remembered the Future | Humans Are Free Here is more on the fascinating man: The Fascinating Story of the Man Who Remembered the Future...
  2. New UFO Hunter

    The Legacy of Col. Philip Corso - UFO and ET Technology

    Worth the watch: Uploaded on Aug 21, 2011
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Philip K. Dick - The Penultimate Truth (full documentary)

    Worth the watch:
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Philip Coppens of Ancient Aliens' Passes Away

    Posted by Giorgio A. Tsoukalos’ Facebook Fan page: From Wikipedia: