
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Revolutionary Movements and How to Start One

  2. 100th Monkey

    Ben Fulford, 8 Jan 2013

    The fight to over the world’s financial system has been in limbo over the new year’s holiday but big moves are now being made by various players in preparation for some upcoming decisive battles. In the US, Obama’s regime, in a show of bravado to hide fear and desperation, has announced it will...
  3. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, January 07, 2013

    01/08/2013 Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 20130107: The holiday lull is over, the fascist’s days are numbered The fight to over the world’s financial system has been in limbo over the new year’s holiday but big moves are now being made by various players in preparation for some...
  4. Unhypnotized

    If you can't PAY for anything Accept it "For Value" and DISCHARGE your DEBTS!

    Accepted for Value is a simple process that anyone can use to discharge their debts. You are not required to be a "secured party creditor" to use the accepted for value process. Seal, Copy-claim, by: autograph, under duress, all rights reserved
  5. Unhypnotized

    Jericho Sunfire - the Process

    The Process: Breatharianism 1 (Part 4)

    Bolivia police bust 5 cocaine labs, 1 officer shot

    LA PAZ, Bolivia – Bolivian police say they have busted five cocaine labs and arrested two people in a remote Indian village after a confrontation in which an officer was shot. Maj. Alex Alfaro says Indians in Qaqachaca village held police at bay with dynamite blasts, allowing some to escape...

    Tests for Airborne Barium are Positive

    A series of qualitative chemical tests and deductions now confirm without doubt the presence of significant amounts of barium within atmospheric samples. Citizens may now begin the process of collecting the sample materials for formal submission to public environmental agencies and private labs...

    The External/Internal Self Hypnosis Technique

    Get Comfortable - Look forward, breathe slowly and easily, relax. State Your Goal - Tell yourself your purpose in going into self hypnosis. "I am going into a trance for the purpose of _____________ . (Filling in the blank with what you want to achieve.) During this self-hypnosis session my...