
  1. New UFO Hunter

    Rulers Of The World, Pupets Of Human Looking Extraterrestrials!

    The coverup of ET discloshure in Saudi Arabia, signifies war against Libya are not a Rulers of the global program but one of their pupetmasters, human-looking aliens. In my research I have discovered that a powerful, but invisible guiding hand has been steering the course of human events on...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Calgary Ready to Pull Plug on Fluoride

    February 7th, 2011 02:27 AM 'Half of Calgary’s aldermen say support for a fluoride-treated water supply has dried up and its fate shouldn’t be decided in a public vote. Ald. John Mar, along with several other council members polled by the Sun ahead of Monday’s meeting where fluoride will be...
  3. M

    Superbowl and etc

    WOW on NO Saints being in their 1st Superbowl in their history and then winning it at the same time. Especially, against IND Colts. Whom I was somewhat hopefully that they will pull it off. Their victory parade is no other victory parade in history.