
  1. 100th Monkey

    Canadian Quebec Provincial Police officer exposong organized crime in government

    Peter Moore exclusive interview with Quebec Provincial Police officer still on payroll, not currently assigned... in French language only. Sorry this is in french only! Peter Moore interviews Quebec Provincial Police officer who is exposing organized crime in government
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Great capture UFO in Quebec Canada

    This is a great capture.
  3. Truth Vibrations

    2 suns! two suns in Pierrefonds, Québec, Canada

    What do you makes of this? À Pierrefond au Québec, quelqu'un a filmé ce qui apparaît comme 2 soleils ! Moi j'en vois 2 ! et vous ?
  4. 100th Monkey

    A shooting on new woman Premier elected tonight in Quebec

    An armed attack has just taken place during the election speech of the brand new Quebec Premier, Pauline Marois. The Premier is safe but two person are in critical condition in the hospital. She was swished out the floor by her security guards, but came back later to thank her team and the...