
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Weather modification? Blue sky vanishes immediately after Beijing's massive parade

    Blue sky vanishes immediately after Beijing's massive parade Read more here: Blue sky vanishes after Beijing's big parade -

    Hysserlik Ghazal

    Each Troy churns under to fertilize the next Troy. Welcome the ships. One less sack would mean one less Troy. The Ilion Homer's hexameters brailled? A layercake ruin, a palimpsest Troy. Blind fingers read the rubble and rap a rhythm. Look there, in the bonewhite playpen of Troy's chest: Troy...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Smell and touch TV's

    Hi everyone, The Holodeck will soon be operational in the home. I first heard about this in 2003 and I was trying to find the older article which stated these will be in the market by 2008...but sorry, no luck finding it. This article...