
  1. Denise

    'Monsanto Protection Act' To Expire, Won't Be Part Of Continuing Resolution

    -Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-OR Source: 'Monsanto Protection Act' To Expire, Won't Be Part Of Continuing Resolution
  2. Truth Vibrations

    The Veritas Show posted a Special Report - Aug 6, 2013

    Mel Fabregras from the Veritas radio show posted a Special Report today. big changes are going to be seen in the next two weeks acording to his Whistleblower guest Pattie Brassard.
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Former Elite British Soldier John Urwin - Fighting the Illuminati for the British government & an experience with a UFO while on the operation

    Name: John Urwin Job Description: Former Elite British Soldier (Special Forces) Subject matter: UFOs & Special Forces Part 1 Name: John Urwin Job Description: Former Elite British Soldier (Special Forces) Subject matter: UFOs & Special Forces Part 2
  4. Truth Vibrations

    21st Century Wire TV - 'Navigating the Matrix with David Icke'

    Published on 31 Jan 2013
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Best UFO Cases Caught On Tape

    March 25, 2009 Updated and expansion of popular TV Special never available on DVD with new exclusive UFO footage and analysis.
  6. J


    Hello and welcome to the forum it is a real pleasure to meet you all hope that we can bring something special in our life through this forum. Good luck. nice to be here... Glad to meet you all5
  7. Unhypnotized

    Japan EarthQuake and Tsunami 2011 Before and After

    Please Pray for thr People of Japan. Part 1 of this special presentation » http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/ja...eforeafter.htm Part 2 of this special presentation » http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/ja...foreafter2.htm Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami 2011...
  8. Unhypnotized

    A U.S.-led research team may have finally located the lost city of Atlantis

    A new national geographic special called "Finding Atlantis" premieres tonight! http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/...72B2JR20110312
  9. Unhypnotized

    MI6, SAS Working Together To Take Control In Libya

    Related:*Report: US Special Forces Arrive In Libya UK Daily Mail March 5, 2011 Britain is to send teams of spies and diplomats into Libya to help oust Colonel Gaddafi, it emerged last night. MI6 operatives backed by the SAS are to land in the east around the key rebel stronghold of Benghazi...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Does "33" mean anything special to you - 33 Mysteries Facts

    33 Mysteries Facts Thirty-three is a number with special significance. On this page, you will find some information that is tied together with, or that bears some relationship to, the number "33." Read the full article here: The Number 33: facts - Pg 1
  11. Unhypnotized

    Special scale map of the universe

  12. Unhypnotized

    Building Stonehenge - This Man can Move Anything

    Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized pillar weighing 22,000 lbs and moved a barn over 300 ft. What makes this so special is that he does it using only himself, gravity, and his incredible ingenuity http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvi...Move_Anything/