
  1. Silent Shadow

    The 3 DNA Lines of Jesus - The 3 Who Consisted of the 1 Christ Personality

    The 3 DNA Lines of Jesus The 3 Who Consisted of the 1 Christ Personality From the Azurite Press Dec 10, 2009 Reintegration of the Races into and Restoration of the Sphere of Amenti, the Three Christs, The Zionites and Preparations for 2017 AD 12 BC - 22 AD The Azurite Council knew that...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Another huge sphere Near Sun - Is It Feeding Off The Sun

    Another huge sphere close to the sun! Also see this thread: https://unhypnotize.com/ufos-ets/46113-sun-ufo-nasa-caught-doctoring-near-sun-ufo-image-red-handed.html#post87574
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Sphere flyover with unusual aperture
