
  1. 100th Monkey

    'Terrorism 101' with Alex Jone's 10 Year Old Son

    Published on Dec 7, 2012 Alex Jones son breaks down how the globalist use terrorism to get their way and control countries across the world.


    Terrorism Black wavelets lap against pilings. Bone dust settles on the pier. The ferryman looks up from his tiller at a man in an Armani suit Who steps out of the shadows, swinging his briefcase, staggering a little before stopping at the edge of the jetty, knowing—despite the absence...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Guy Filed A £2 Million Lien Against A Judge

    Lancashire man charged under Terrorism Act A 33-year-old man from Lancashire has been charged with terrorism offences. The man has been charged with six counts of collecting information which may be useful to someone who commits or prepares for an act of terrorism. A Lancashire Police...