the white house

  1. R

    Haqqani group was once CIA’s ‘blue-eyed boy’

    Last week Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton said her department will designate Haqqani group a ‘terrorist group’. However, on Thursday, Washington faced with very hostile reaction from Islamabad pulled back from its earlier threat and put symbolic sanctions against some individuals (Abdul Aziz...
  2. New UFO Hunter

    UFO lands on White House

    Beam me down Scotty:
  3. Denise

    Is a secret lair being built under the White House? "The West Wing of the White House is all-but disappearing behind an $86 million building project that is going to last for years. And a mysterious tunnel is being built, fuelling speculation that a secret underground lair is what's really...
  4. Denise

    Rick Perry Hurt Little Girls!

    Gov Rick Perry knowingly lied and told Texas families he had the power to pressure their 11 years old child to be force vaccinated which was killing people within the test trials. Perry was Merck's ace in the hole, now he'll be their guy within the White House should they have their way. Source:
  5. R

    Rep. King: ‘Thou shalt not make movie on OBL’

    “The moral standing of the IRA (a terrorist organization) is equal to that of the British army,” said Rep. Peter King in 1995. Rep. King who as Chair of the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security has been holding investigations to question American Muslims’ loyalty to the country they...
  6. Denise

    'I Created Obama's Certification Of Birth'..!

    'I Created Obama's Certification Of Birth' August 09, 2011 When the White House posted online an image of President Obama's purported long-form birth certificate, it also linked to the previously circulated "Certification of Live Birth," the short-form version that had been presented as the...

    Secret Service apprehends White House fence jumper

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A homeless man was in custody Tuesday night after climbing over the White House fence, the Secret Service said. The man was immediately captured by uniformed Secret Service agents, who guard the complex around the clock, said agency spokesman Ed Donovan. He had a backpack that...
  8. Denise

    PPE- Psyops Project Elenin

    Source PPE- Psyops Project Elenin The Psyops Project Elenin: Has been linked to a psychological warfare operation – intended to engage public fear using The Near Earth Orbit Comets Elenin, Levy and Honda (which will pass near Earth in the...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    Wilbur Allen radio interview: UFOs & ETs (Coast To Coast)

    Former White House/Air Force One engineer for ABC News, Wilbur Allen has been a contactee since childhood when he was implanted. In recent years, he has forensically documented sightings and anomalies through photography. Describing his first abduction at five years old, he said the grey ETs...
  10. Unhypnotized

    TSA Searches Woman’s Hair

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Thursday, July 7, 2011 The TSA insisted on searching a woman’s hair at the SeaTac airport in Washington, according to a report by King 5 News in Seattle. After going through a radiation emitting naked body scanner, a screener demanded to rifle through Laura Adiele’s...
  11. Lady of Light

    Whistleblower claims White House used CIA to perform hit jobs against political dissi

    Getting on the wrong side of a political fight can land you in the crosshairs of a White House smear campaign, at least that is what appears to have happened during the Bush administration years. According to recent testimony by former US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Glenn Carle...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Why doesn’t John Adams have a memorial?

    Alexander Heffner Washington Post July 3, 2011 When President Obama ponders tough decisions at the White House, he may join the cadre of presidents who have sought inspiration in the Truman Balcony’s stunning vista, gazing at the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial, which commemorate...
  13. Lady of Light

    White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With ...

    ... Only 10 Fairewinds' chief engineer Arnie Gundersen emphasizes the need to enlarge evacuation zones around US nuclear plants to 50 miles. Reducing US evacuation zones to only 10 miles during a nuclear power accident compromises public safety.
  14. R

    9/11, Bolton and Ahmadinejad

    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, US-Cuban Jewish Chairwoman House Foreign Affairs Committee says she loves John Bolton for trying to convince the White House for the last three and half year to bomb Islamic Iran before it get its first nuclear bomb. John Bolton also received a standinging ovation from the...
  15. R

    Obama looks at ME with ‘Fresh Eyes’

    On Monday, Barack Obama re-election fundraising campaign in Washington was kicked-off with Jewish donors. Addressing a $25,000 to $35,800 per couple dinner at Mandrin Oriental Hotel. It was organized by “Obama Victory Fund 2012 Dinner with the President in support of a strong US-Israel...
  16. R

    Jewish women cannot drive in New York

    Muslims in the West have long been under attack for the ban in Saudi Arabia (ruled by a western puppet Ultra-Orthodox Wahhabi minority) for women to drive in public. However, these western bigots are at loss to face the fact that Jewish women are neither allowed to drive or walk on the same side...
  17. Unhypnotized

    UFOTV Presents...: Planet X and ET Contact - LIVE Feature - Ann

    "Ann Eller, who worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the Father of UFO-Alien research, has a unique perspective on the UFO enigma. Ann's fascinating story also revisits her days in the White House during the Clinton administration, as a medevac nurse for the Peace Corps, and her exceptional...
  18. R

    Sarkozy’s opponent hits the bucket

    The French political bigshot, Dominique Strauss-Kahn 62, the French Jewish head of IMF and the man French Socialists hope will be the next occupant of the Elysée Palace, was arrested at JFK airport in New York on Saturday afternoon accused of a sex attack on a Times Square hotel maid earlier in...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Narrative Behind Bin Laden Fable Flip-Flops AGAIN

    Obama administration’s struggle to get its lies straight is an insult to the intelligence of the American people Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, May 13, 2011 You have to wonder what on earth the Obama administration hopes to achieve by continually insulting the intelligence of...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Hillary Clinton Erased from White House Photo

    Op-Ed: Hasidic newspaper erases Hillary Clinton from White House photo By Bart B. Van Bockstaele. A Jewish newspaper erased Hillary Clinton and another woman from a widespread picture showing White House staff watching the Osama Bin Laden raid. Women are never displayed in the pages of Der...