
  1. U

    Repetitive dream

    Iv had this dream for a good few years now. I'm in a static caravan, like live in this caravan somewhere, like people come to see me,make them cuppas. I can see the caravan park I'm on aswell, as I even like draw the curtains. Then I can go to the town that's near by, I can see like the central...
  2. Japan dolphin killing town Taiji to open marine park

    If you haven't seen documentary 'The Cove' yet, the trailer is below. Warning: Graphic and not for kids! Now get this they now want to make it a tourist attraction: Source: Japan dolphin-killing town to open marine park
  3. UFO Attack at Naval Base, Proofs Star Wars is here!

  4. Mexican Vigilantes Seize Town, Arrest Police!

    03/27/13 ACAPULCO, Mexico -- Hundreds of armed vigilantes have taken control of a town on a major highway in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero, arresting local police officers and searching homes after a vigilante leader was killed. Several opened fire on a car of Mexican tourists headed to...
  5. New Cat in Town

    Hello all. I'm the new cat in town. I'll get an avatar in place after I nap a little more. I look forward to getting to know y'all. Cat
  6. Belize cops hunt McAfee software founder

    AAP November 13, 2012 Police in Belize are looking for the founder of the software company McAfee Inc to question him about the death of another US citizen, his neighbour in an island town on the Caribbean. Spokesman Raphael Martinez says John McAfee was the neighbour of 52-year-old Gregory...
  7. Stan Friedman speaks at UFO festival 2012

    Stan was a speakers at the Presidio, Texas UFO festival: Stan Friedman - Man's Place in the Universe Here is the town hall meeting they held below.
  8. 'Lizard Man' Terrorizes S.C. Town, Again

  9. Vanished Town in China following UFO sighting?

    I am sorry in advance as this is like old news or already published within the forums. Someone sent this video that describes a situation that happened in China where there is a UFO sighting, then vibrant lights on the ground, and allegedly the whole town disappeared. This is stated to have...
  10. F

    Picher, OK is Being Destroyed

    Apparently the town of Picher, OK, is being destroyed. The schools and city government closed down and almost everyone has moved away so the buildings can be destroyed. The town has severe lead contamination and sinkholes. It's strange.
  11. Floods rage in southern Australia

    HORSHAM, Australia (AFP) – Floodwaters feared to have claimed the life of a young boy cut the southern Australian town of Horsham in two Tuesday as Canberra urged big business to dig deep for the disaster's victims. Prime Minister Julia Gillard turned to corporate Australia for help in what is...
  12. Mayor shot to death in southern Mexico

    45 mins ago OAXACA, Mexico – The mayor of a remote mountain town in southern Oaxaca state was shot to death Thursday, the third municipal leader to be slain in Mexico in a week. Oaxaca state prosecutor Manuel de Jesus Lopez said authorities were investigating possible motives in the latest...
  13. Chemtrails Over Town

  14. [In the town I didn't know, yes, I'll wait] In the town I didn't know, yes, I'll wai

    [In the town I didn't know, yes, I'll wait] In the town I didn't know, yes, I'll wait by the car. I did. And read there. Wrote nonsense in a notebook. Considered the inscription on the bench, one Karl Thielscher, 1917, athlete, leader, loyal son, proud parent. A war death. Or maybe his birth...
  15. CHEMTRAILS Poison Rains Infect Small Town 2009

    CHEMTRAILS Poison Rains Infect Small Town 2009