

    In a Station of the Metro

    Peace fell on the dim lands a sort of abstraction The metronome counted one petal after another So the petals fell as or in some music This song needs no breath just an apparition With a mouth open and eyes and eyes The wet smear of eyes beneath pink Petals in excess of the window frame’s bright...

    In a Station of the Metro

    Peace fell on the dim lands a sort of abstraction The metronome counted one petal after another So the petals fell as or in some music This song needs no breath just an apparition With a mouth open and eyes and eyes The wet smear of eyes beneath pink Petals in excess of the window frame’s bright...
  3. Denise

    EERIE SOUND From Sky Over Florida

    Strange sound coming out of the sky in Florida for over 20 minutes. The authors of this video believe the sound is an inbound tornado which of course turns out to be false. The following is an excerpt from the description on the authors homepage"


    Heel First the twitch of our dog in her dream, then the half-green, half-burnt log turns over & takes on the cold side of night.