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    [ALERT!] U S Army says "People frustrated with mainstream Ideaologies are terroris Individuals who “believe in government conspiracies” also framed as violent

    U S Army says "People frustrated with mainstream Ideaologies are terroris Individuals who “believe in government conspiracies” also framed as violent radicals u-s-army-characterizes-people-frustrated-with-mainstream-ideologies-as-terrorists by Paul Joseph Watson Well convenient timing for...

    Violent Volcanoes

  3. Unhypnotized

    MSNBC Asserts Violent Rhetoric Exclusively From Right; Two Months Ago Featured Guest Calling for Violent Revolution From Left

    MSNBC Jan 9, 2011 On January 8th MSNBC guests Eugene Robinson and Josh Marshall, along with host Keith Olbermann, soberly assured their viewers that violent, political rhetoric is exclusive to the American right. Two months earlier, on November 8th, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan called for a new...