
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Bin Laden story humiliates America

    Newsroom Blows It: Bin Laden Story Humiliates America HBO’s Hour of Whining and Fiction Fails to Convince, Seals Murdered, Bin Laden Dead in 2001 He did it …by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Meet the Axis of Evil That Eleven Years of Hard Work Has Led Us to Tonite, the HBO series...
  2. 100th Monkey

    No traffic lights in downtown Sinop for 14 years

    This people can live with less law, common courtesy at intersections. This is translated from Turkish: SINOP due to lack of need for the city center and the pedestrian traffic lights junction, the decision of the Provincial Traffic Commission was abolished in 1998. There he was removed...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    12,000 Years Old Unexplained Structures

    Was Graham Hancock & Plato right? A pre-flood civilization or 12000 years ago: Latest Discovery at the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids
  4. Truth Vibrations

    The 'Shroud of Turin' is FAKE..!

    The Turin Shroud is a fake… and it’s one of 40: Historian claims linen cloths were produced 1,300 years after crucifixion 10 June 2012 Not only is the Turin Shroud probably a medieval fake but it is just one of an astonishing 40 so-called burial cloths of Jesus, according to an eminent...
  5. Denise

    NASA discovers 6 dwarf stars 9 to 40 light years from our sun.

    Situations are growing more and more unusual everyday? They probably know about they for years, but now they need us to know about them for some reason or another.
  6. Denise

    Let's Make Everything Free

    I simply discovered this excellent site and i believe many people here should check this out because the vision for future years and so i desired to share. Please read and sign The Free World Charter today at: Source:
  7. Denise

    2012 Possibilities

    This is a site that has a curious presentation of the nonetheless very real threats to mankind in the next few coming years.
  8. Lady of Light

    Cartoon predicts the future 50 years ago

  9. Unhypnotized

    290 Million Years Old Human Footprints! *New*

    More evidence to add to my April 28th article, entitled: The Human Specie is Hundreds of Millions of Years Old! The 290 to 248 million years old New Mexico Footprints In 1987, paleontologist Jerry MacDonald discovered a wide variety of fossilized tracks from several different species of...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Oil Will Be Gone in 50 Years: HSBC

    Patrick Allen CNBC March 23, 2011 There could be less than 49 years of oil supplies left, even if demand were to remain flat according to HSBC’s senior global economist Karen Ward. “Energy resources are scarce,” Ward said. “Even if demand doesn’t increase, there could be as little as 49 years...
  11. Truth Vibrations

    Mandela: Man behind the icon -- Nelson Mandela is many things to many people -- a former president, an anti-apartheid icon, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate -- but according to his daughter, he would like to be remembered first as a family man. "My...
  12. Truth Vibrations

    Charles Manson follower denied parole - again

    0 Patricia Krenwinkel was denied parole for the 13th time on Thursday for her role in a murder spree more than 40 years ago. -- Patricia Krenwinkel, a Charles Manson follower who went on a string of murders more than 40...
  13. M

    Can You Be Free In A Debit World?

    I think the one obstacle I find very hard to overcome is how you can be free with almost all commerce being electronic these days. 40 years ago you might have managed without a debit card but today? Any ideas would be appreciated
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Mayerthorpe inquiry set to begin

    Const. Anthony Gordon, top left, Const. Lionide (Leo) Johnston, top right, Const. Brock Myrol, bottom left, and Const. Peter Schiemann were killed at Mayerthorpe, Alta., in 2005. A public inquiry will begin Monday morning into the shooting deaths of four Mounties who died more than five years...
  15. R

    Salaam from Canada

    I am an engineer and blogger (Rehmat's World) residing in Canada for the last 40 years.
  16. Truth Vibrations

    Rengel killer's sentence appeal denied

    David Bagshaw was four days from his 18th birthday when he stabbed Stefanie Rengel to death at the urging of his jealous 15-year-old girlfriend. A young man who pleaded guilty to stabbing a 14-year-old girl to death in exchange for sex with his girlfriend has had his bid to be sentenced as a...
  17. CASPER

    La Bouderie

    Never my wife, only your mother, and even this only once. Rarely the phrase only child, shameful in most cultures, when he described me, but often my youngest or daughter. He carried me at a party once when I was tired and soon I said we need to leave. A boy whose father leaves is called the man...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Greenspan: 100 • Geithner: 40 • Dimon: 7 • Johnson: Economic Crises Happen Every 5 Ye

    Washington’s Blog March 31, 2010 Greenspan says that the financial crisis was caused by a once-in-100-year event. Tim Geithner says its more like once every 40 years. Jamie Dimon implies every 5-7 years. But Simon Johnson says its really once every 5 years: Visit for breaking...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Crystal childs Daniel Gallucci's blog (His experience ) Quote: Hi everyone, I’ve been working with the Earth’s ascension since 1994 (since I was 14 years old), but I’m awaken since I was born; it has been pretty lonely around here in those days, and it is great to find more...
  20. Unhypnotized

    December was coldest month in 28 years

    PAMELA NEWENHAM Irish Times January 4, 2009 Last month was the coldest December for almost 30 years over most of the country, Met Éireann has said. In its monthly summary, the forecaster said December was the coldest month for 28 years for most of the country and the coldest of any month since...