Alex Jones - Subliminal Messaging on the Major networks in USA


New member
This is the kind of thing that we need to be aware of, like i was saying in another thread. If we're aware of it, we can take control of ourselves instead of letting them take control of us. I find myself seeing the subliminal messages in most things, all the time. And frankly, it disgusts me at times. Especially when they are marketing childrens products, like diapers. I remember seeing an add for Huggies that was quite sexually explicit. That kind of shit disgusts me to no end.

We all need to be aware. the more aware we are, the less control these elitist bastards have over us. If we can remain in control, we can outsmart them and take our world back and have a much needed peaceful place to live and learn. And when i say learn, I mean learn real things, not the things they cram down our throats in 'their' schools that are meant strictly to control us from a very young age.

These subliminal message videos and articles need to circulate to get people to pay more attention to what they are watching so they don't watch tv like zombies. First you learn to spot it, then you learn to stop watching. I still watch certain things on tv to get the underlying messages out of them. You know, the messages of truth that are scattered around inside the show that are used as a misdirection and posed as fiction. I love looking for these messages. I've got lots of good insights from the new Doctor Who series that goes into detail about some of these misdirected subliminals that are sometimes right out in the open.

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
Great post monkey and Alex!

Alex Jones is doing a great job of bring this knowledge to the surface. I hope he goes on to it deep in the future!


New member
I'm sure he will, frog, I'm sure he will. If you know ANYTHING about Alex Jones, you know that he's not stopping for anything.


New member
Go to the Wikipedia page on subliminal stimuli. The URL is in the same format as the other Wikipedia pages, but I can't post the link because of a minor conspiracy that stifles my free speech, my first right on this website. Those with under 10 posts cannot post links? That is a ridiculous rule.

Subliminal messages do not produce long lasting changes in behavior. There is also the human tendency to find some sort of message that isn't there. If you've heard the Satan part of Stairway to Heaven backwards with the lyrics, it sounds bad. However, those who hear it for the first time with no lyrics cannot hear anything Satanic. It's all a trick with the words that are posted when the music plays. Ironically, you are trying to stop conspiracies here at this website, but it is you who is conspiring to stop a conspiracy that doesn't actually exist.


New member
If you'd spend your time to do a little research (and it's stated in a few posts here on this very site), you would see that it is because of reasons of SPAM! I don't know a ton about the running of forums, but I can find that information without any trouble at all. People like to spam forums, using LINKS, that's why it's not allowed right away. It's not about limiting free speech. You can say what you need to say without providing a link, so how does that limit free speech? You're an angry little troll and I hope people see it an just plain ignore you for what you are. You can't very well troll if no one will respond. (Yes I realize I've responded, you don't need to point that out, thank you.)


New member

a part of what you are saying can be right just like what people experience with this double number phenomena. if you done see the numbers and someone mentions it them certain numbers will start to pop up more than once in your life because you attracted that type of things to happen.. its like being afraid and not being afraid of something.. your mindset is in a certain mood to attract certain outcomes when you are in those different moods.. and yes i believe that one can post something without aving to post up the link.. i believe that some sites or forums just dont want to be used.. so some site post up a rule that you have to have 10 or sometimes its 25 posts to do something.. like for instance i am a part of a number or psychic and spiritual forums a few of them post up rules that you have to have posted 25 posts or threads before you can do a reading or get a reading or some other stuff... this is to make sure people arent using the site just for that.. and about links not being posted they just dont want people to advertise on their site or post up spam.. its not a big deal..

true i agree with this..