Bahraini Shiites bury their dead from crackdown


MANAMA, Bahrain – Bahrain's Shiites are burying their dead amid a continued government crackdown in this Sunni-ruled island nation in the Persian Gulf.

Thousands gathered on Friday for the funeral of an anti-government protester in Sitra, the hub of Bahrain's oil industry southwest of the capital Manama. A second funeral is under way in a village west of the capital.

The mourners in Sitra are carrying photographs of Ahmed Farhan and chanting slogans against the U.S.-backed monarchy. Bahrain is the home of the Navy's 5th Fleet.

Farhan was killed on Tuesday when police cracked down on opposition protesters in Sitra, just hours after Bahrain's king declared emergency rule. It gives the military wide powers to battle the Shiite-led monthlong uprising.