Doctors Change Names of Diseases When Vaccines Do Not Work


No surprise here, keep people confused so they can push more poison on us!
Doctors around the world are being faced with children catching the diseases they have been vaccinated against. Rather than diagnosing these children correctly, professionals have discovered that the doctors are giving the diseases new names. This suggests a cover up is going on and the vaccinations we are all being told are safe and effective are in fact completely useless.

Vaccinations are now being given to children to keep them safe from every disease known to man. There appears to be a vaccination for everything from polio to a broken finger nail. However, many professionals now believe that the vaccinations are actually causing the diseases they are supposed to prevent.

It appears that they could be right because news has just been released that 47,500 children became paralyzed after polio vaccinations in India in 2011. According to Dr Jacob a member of the national technical advisory group on immunization and of the working group on the food and drug regulation in 2011 after receiving the polio vaccination, an additional 47,500 children were newly paralyzed, over and above the standard rate of 2 children per 100,000 non-polio AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) cases.*

Dr Viera Scheibner is a professional who would not be at all surprised at the above figures. She has firmly believed for many years that contrary to the belief that vaccinations prevent children from becoming ill, they are causing children to catch the diseases that they are being vaccinated against. She best explains this in her extremely well written letter published recently in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). (2) Her letter on the subject of polio vaccinations contains outstanding research and opens a gigantic can of worms that will be difficult for the pharmaceutical industries to ignore.
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Doctors Change Names of Diseases When Vaccines Do Not Work
I do not and will not ever get the flu shot, my belief is as soon as I get that shot, I will get that sickness! I watched a documentary on files the government was trying to cover up. In it they stated that the government was creating a biological weapon to use against enemies. However if this biological weapon were to escape what would the government try to do to cover it up? Say for example swine flu was no accident and it was actually a government created biological weapon that got out and took the lives of so many like it did. Not saying this actually happened but its very possible. I never got the vaccination for that shot and I never got sick either, usually when everyone gets sick I am the first to get sick as well. However I never did not get sick at all around that time, and when I get sick I am sick for three times as long as the average person. I think not getting the shot is what kept me from getting sick. People need to stop believing in the wonders of medicine because there is an even sinister plot behind the shot!
I absolutely agree with you, people need to stop trusting our medical system. Question everything, especially if it's going inside our bodies. I have not taking a flu shot in 8 years and I have only been sick twice in that time and both times were very minor, with a stuffy nose and very moderate sore throat.

Many of us are very concerned with what we eat, we need to be equally concerned with we take medically and demand full disclosure on the ingredients and the effects on our bodies!
Right I can't remember the last time I had a flu shot, probably about nine or ten years, ever since I had a say in what I wanted medically my father supported me. Honestly about swine flu though, I really truly do believe that it was no accident. That the government created swine flu and that it escaped, ripping throughout America and anywhere else it might have gotten to, they said that reports in other countries had the same effect. However how can we truly trust what the government is telling us?
That's the problem, when the people are afraid of their government, the government can't be trusted! When governments are afraid of the people they can be trusted.

We are all currently afraid of our governments, that needs to change!
We are all currently afraid of our governments, that needs to change!
Right I wish that everyone could get educated, instead of listening into what the government tells them because they are too afraid to do what their hearts and mind tells them.