Exclusive: Top ISPs poised to adopt graduated response to piracy

Lady of Light

Some of the country's largest Internet service providers are poised to leap into the antipiracy fight in a significant way.

After years of negotiations, a group of bandwidth providers that includes AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon are closer than ever to striking a deal with media and entertainment companies that would call for them to establish new and tougher punishments for customers who refuse to stop using their networks to pirate films, music and other intellectual property, multiple sources told CNET.
The sources cautioned that a final agreement has yet to be signed and that the partnership could still unravel but added that at this point a deal is within reach and is on track to be unveiled sometime next month.
This has been in the works a long time. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the respective trade groups for the four major record companies and six top Hollywood film studios, have labored for years to persuade ISPs to take a tougher antipiracy position. Under the proposed plan, participating bandwidth providers would adopt a "graduated response" to subscribers who repeatedly infringe copyrights. ISPs would first issue written warnings, called Copyright Alerts, to customers accused by content creators of downloading materials illegally via peer-to-peer sites, the sources said. Should a subscriber fail to heed the warning, an ISP could choose to send numerous follow-up notices. The plan, however, requires ISPs to eventually take more serious action.
Participating ISPs are given plenty of choices on how to respond to the toughest cases. They can select from a "menu" of responses outlined in the plan, such as throttling down an accused customer's bandwidth speed or limit their access to the Web. For example, a suspected pirate may be allowed to visit only the top 200 Web sites until the illegal file sharing stops. The subscriber may also be required to participate in a program that educates them on copyright law and the rights of content creators. In the past, a graduated response was also supposed to lead to a complete termination of service for chronic file sharers. Kicking someone off a network is not required under the proposed agreement, the sources said. As for who pays for all this, the ISPs and copyright owners will share the costs of operating the program, sources said.

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It Gets Even Crazier: Fight The AT&T/Comcast "Three Strikes" Censorship Deal

Completely over the top, even compared to everything else we're up against: Entertainment industry sources are leaking that they've convinced Internet service providers to start restricting people's web access. If you're accused of downloading or streaming three files they'll consider messing with your Internet connection -- and maybe even decide what sites you're allowed to visit.

The MPAA and RIAA have convinced companies like Comcast, AT&T, and others to voluntarily create a "Three Strikes" policy -- yes, that's really what they are calling it. CNET reports that your Internet service provider will respond to online file sharing with censorship tools like:

"Throttling down" your Internet bandwidth and speed;
Limiting your access to the Web;
Controlling what websites you are allowed to visit;
And requiring you to attend pirate school to be educated on copyright law.
Will you act now to fight this new ridiculous proposal? If you sign the petition at right, we'll automatically generate an email under your name and address to the lobbyists for Comcast and AT&T -- including former Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott -- containing this language:

NOTE TO AT&T AND COMCAST: Sources are reporting that you are preparing to implement a "Three Strikes" proposal to restrict users' Internet access. As a customer who cares deeply about Internet freedom I urge you to oppose Internet censorship and reject this proposal.
