
New member
Someone tell me something about UFOs I don't care I want an education in this it's too important an issue to be ignorant about don't you agree? Do you also think that full disclosure will help the average, say, farmer's life by knowing that knowledge?


New member
Write to Service Station Owner At Whycliffe in the Northern Territory of Australia it is one of the worlds hor spots for UFO's and yes I have seen one.

Gary Y

New member
UFOs are unidentified, and they fly. It just so happenes I once saw a flying object that can't be expained by weather balloons, sattellites, an airplane, or anythign else. That makes it a UFO. Personally I think it was something scary


New member
Unfortunately knowledge of UFOs is unavailable,if you could restate your question we may be able to give you some information,on extra-terrestrials maybe.


New member
Theres a lot of info out there. Roswell, the Battle over LA(1942), the flyby over the Capital Bld(1952), Rendelsham forrest.......the list goes on and on. A good site is the UFO case book. Lots of info and links to other sites. Good luck.