UFO hovering over the Worst Polluter in America, VIDEO Sept 2011 UFO

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak

Date of sighting: September 2011
Location of sighting: Stansbury Island, Tooele, Utah

Eyewitness states:
"Unidentified Flying Object floating over Magcorp, the worst polluter in America. This object stayed motionless for at least an hour. It looks like a blimp with appendages sticking out of it.
If someone wants to motion stabilize this footage, please do. I have the original (Not so zoomed in) footage as well. Maybe it's some sort of drone used by the EPA to monitor pollution levels. Magcorp is famous for it's "Red River" of death, and it's bird-killing smoke emissions. I don't assume this is some flying saucer, or alien spaceship, but it remains unidentified."



New member
This wouldn't be the first time that a UFO has hovered over such a horrible thing. They've been know to hover over nuclear weapons, so why not anything else that's harming the planet and everything on it. Don't be surprised if this is a recurring thing. Keep your eye out for more of these UFOs.

My take on it is that they ARE aliens and they are trying to monitor a situation and prevent some event from occurring on a grand scale.