UK Department of Health to Pick up Tab on Fluoride Objectors' Water Bills


Truth feeder
01-28-2011 06:43 AM

'For those living in fluoridated areas and punters who just don't want to pay their water bills, it seems almost too good to be true. During the past several weeks, NPWA HQ has received calls from perplexed fluoridation objectors throughout England. When they contacted their water company and stated that they would deduct monies for bottled water/water filters if their water was fluoridated, they were told that the water companies didn't care, because the Department of Health would pay their water bill.
After reviewing the Indemnities to Water Companies section of the 2003 Water Bill, NPWA found the anecdotal reports from the fluoridation objectors were based in fact.

IT'S TRUE! - Read excerpts below - the Government has indemnified them for almost everything under the sun including "third party debt"!'

Read more: UK Department of Health to Pick up Tab on Fluoride Objectors' Water Bills
Wow. The origin of fluoride, as an industrial waste has long been known. But forcing it upon people is crazy-one surely has a right to safe drinking water?! I'm glad to see that people essentially have a second choice here.