
MSG - The Hidden Food Additive Killer!

joel10000a | April 27, 2007

MSG, or Mono Sodium Glutimate has been added to processed and restaurant food in the US and abroad for decades. The FDA has not banned this material, yet studies continue to show that it is bad for our health! For Part 2, go to either Google Video or VEOH.com. Part 2's length is too long for YouTube to receive (it's about 12 min.). CBN.com - The Christian Broadcasting Network

Hidden Names for MSG

Hidden Names & Symptoms of MSG Poisoning

Foods ALWAYS contain MSG when these words are on the label
Calcium Caseinate

Monosodium Glutamate
Hydrolized Vegetable Protein
Textured Protein

Monopotassium Glutamate
Hydrolized Plant Protein
Yeast Extract

Autolyzed Plant Protein
Yeast Food or Nutrient

Glutamic Acid
Sodium Caseinate
Autolyzed Yeast

Foods made with the following products often contain MSG

Flavoring Seasonings (Most assume this means salt pepper or spices & herbs which it sometimes is)
Protein fortified anything

Anything enriched or vitamin enriched
Flowing Agents
Protein Fortified Milk

Barley Malt
Reaction Flavours

Lipolyzed butter fat
Rice or Brown Rice, Syrup

Low or No Fat items
Soy Protein

Caramel Flavoring (coloring)
Malt Extract or Flavoring
Soy Protein Isolate or Concentrate

Malted Barley (flavour)
Soy Sauce or Extract

Citric Acid (when processed from corn)

Corn syrup and corn syrup solids (partly depends upon process used)
Milk Powder

Modified Food Starch
Ultra-pasteurized anything

Dough Conditioners
Natural Chicken

Dry Milk Solids
Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate

Fermented anything
Whey Protein or Whey

Flavours & Flavouring
Protease enzymes
Yeast Nutrients

The book, Battling the MSG Myth, will simplify your life by giving in depth facts about these hidden substances and the common foods in which they are found. Find tips on label reading, shopping, and cooking. Enjoy good eating by learning how to avoid all the common foods and supplements that contain MSG, aspartame, L-cysteine, and sulfites. Learn how to substitute healthy alternative products that can be found in most supermarkets.

Have you been tested for, suffer from, and found little relief from any of the following conditions?

1. Severe headache
12. Shortness of breath, chest pains, asthma
23. Slowed speech

2. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
13. Swelling, pain, or numbness of hands, feet, jaw
24. Chronic bronchitis-like symptoms, allergy reactions, dry cough, hoarseness or sore throat

3. Irregular heart beat or blood pressure, racing heart
14. Pain in joints or bones
25. Heavy, weak feeling in arms and legs

4. Depression or mood change, bipolar, SAD
15. Flushing or tingling in face, chest, pressure behind eyes
26. Irritable bowel or colitis

5. Abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, colitis, IBS
16. Gagging reflex or difficulty swallowing
27. Attention deficit disorder, anxiety attacks, rage, panic attacks

6. Balance problems, dizziness, or seizures, mini-strokes
17. Hyperactivity, behavioral problems
28. Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, MS, Parkinson's

7. Tenderness in localized areas, neck, back etc.
18. Chronic post nasal drip
29. Pressure behind eyes or on head, neck, shoulders

8 Sleep disorders
19. Skin rash, itching, hives
30. ADD, ADHD, Rage Disorders

9. Blurred vision or difficulty breathing
20. Bloated face, dark circles under strained eyes
31. Asthma

10. Chronic fatigue or sleepiness
21. Extreme thirst or dry mouth
32. Weight problems, obesity, hypoglycemia

11. Excessive perspiring or shuddering and chills
22. Difficulty concentrating and poor memory

If any of these conditions plague you, you may be a victim of the myth that monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a safe food additive. The truth is that the average person eats much more glutamate than what is considered to be a safe and normal amount in the typical American diet. MSG is in everything from crackers and soda pop to vitamins and toothpaste.


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