Local control freak government exerts power over the very poor (some really are)


New member
I do realize there are those homeless peple who give being homeless a worse reputation then what it all ready is, but this is what one "big hearted" local government has decided to do about it. So it's like let's see who can we maake more miserable then what they all ready are and today its let's work on the homeless situation, "we can have all the power we want over them for right now, so let's give it test" let's do what a couple of other control freak city local governments have all ready decided to do in this country, and then who's to say they won't then up their game to every day people, who might just being paying state taxes to these control freak idiots.
There's got to be a better idea then this.

Clearwater poised to institute more laws that target the homeless - Tampa Bay Times

CLEARWATER — This city could soon outlaw a harrowing crime: sitting.Sitting or lying down on sidewalks or other public rights of way on Clearwater Beach, downtown or in the East Gateway neighborhood could mean a $500 fine, 60 days in jail or both.


New member
Haha. We have laws where you can't go dumpster diving. It's considered stealing. Never mind that the stuff is thrown away. If food is thrown out, it's still property of the business or resident *until it's collected by the waste management "engineers"* and then it becomes their possession. Even the garbage bins in our building complex are under lock and key so that homeless people (or even just someone locked out of home) can't sleep there and "disturb the sensibilities" of good, honest, hardworking folks who haven't fallen down on their luck.

Lord help us. What kind of monsters have we become?


New member
Yes, I know it's terrible what those who have power are doing to those who have no power. This story coincides also with what ABC world news was reporting on last week. Too much sitting can shorten your life span. I saw the same article in another on line newspaper, can't remember which.

But coincidence probably not. They're trying it out on people who can't defend themselves first. What do you think?


New member
It's almost like a game of Simon Says. They say and we jump. We buy and obey everything they tell us. Yes, sitting does terrible things to your body. That's true. Why not make laws that require you to work from home or from a remote location so that you can be more comfortable than at a desk? My last job was a desk job and I was chained to the desk for eight or more hours per day. That was that.

But sitting outside in Florida? Heaven forbid some pregnant woman with two small kids needs a break and can't get back up easily. I can see her being hauled to jail for loitering.

Honestly, it seems like they just want to criminalize the population and then make further laws that restrict anyone with any sort of criminal history. I know that's already true to a great extent but this could just finish everyone off. They can't take much more away. There's just nothing left now. It's impossible for me to fathom what else it could be. I'm afraid my mind just doesn't twist enough for that.


New member
Most of the jobs I've had involved alot of standing and walking, but I understand if you're naturally active you wouldn't want to be chained to a desk all day. Too bad there wasn't a happy medium for either of us.
They just can't wait to rule us as completely as the Caesars did their people in the Roman Empire.One day they'll say jump and we'll say how high. I don't think this country has much backbone left like it used to unfortunately, they've nearly all been dumbed down by the Dept of Ed, and the National Education Assoc. The sheeple are what we're up against unfortunately.
The sheeple inClearwater can be real "proud" of their city leaders for this gross miscarriage of justice. I really pity the poor their.


New member
I'm afraid to say that the only way to grow a spine is just to do it. You simply do it. Trouble is that people don't want to take responsibility for their lives. They *want* others to make decisions for them, to tell them what to do, to have someone else to blame when things aren't going well. It's because we've seen so much immaturity and lies on tv that we feel that our lives are okay when we too are immature and living lies, and that that's even a preferable way of living. If we tuned out of all forms of this mental degradation (films, tv, radio, etc) we would find ourselves alone with our own thoughts. Then and only then will you ever begin to discover how *you* really think and feel about things. Only then is it possible, in the silence, to become aware of the noise that's been injected into your heart and mind for the whole of your lifetime and how you have come to accept it as "normal", when it's anything but that!

No one can tell you what to do. People do because you let them. No means no. The trouble is that we don't know when to say no anymore. There's no common sense. Common sense means you know something is true. It's your truth. Tune out of this crap and tune in to yourself.


New member
Yes i know, My friend and I like to watch game shows.
I armchair analyze the contestants especially on Let's Make a Deal and Price is Right. I saw only one man one time on Let's Make say to someone in the audience who encouraged him to give up $1500 to go for something he didn't know what he was getting, he turned and said Are you going to give me $1500 if it turns out to be a zonk?
Sometimes just watching an inocuous little thing like a game show, you see what people have a become. To ask complete strangers for help on decisions, really is appalling when you see it in action.