David Icke on Red Ice Radio: Origins of Israel & New Mono World Order - 25/7/14

White Rabbit

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Why are the PTB so quite about ISIS? Because Israel, US and UK are funding them behind the scenes:


David Icke on Red Ice Radio: Origins of Israel & New Mono World Order

new Sunday 27th July 2014 at 10:15 By david-icke


‘Considered one of the classics of conspiracy research, David Icke has spent the last quarter of a century unraveling the secrets of the universe, reality and the forces that manipulate our world. After writing more than 20 books, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch.

Icke shares his analysis of US occupation in the Middle East. He'll also talk about ISIS, with an alleged extremist Islamic agenda, yet silence from Israel. We'll talk about the genocide of Palestinians and the redrawing of the Middle East with Israel as the new dictator.'

David discusses the origins of Israel, which is based on a hoax. He'll discuss events leading up to the creation of the State of Israel. Then, we'll talk about where the elite want to take the world and the techniques they're using to get there. Their techniques include the destruction of nationhood and forced multiculturalism. Icke comments on Europeans who are re-acting to preserve their nationhood, challenging the European Union and fighting back. We'll talk about how the elite are working hard to establish a one world culture, a mono everything, through killing true diversity. Later, he'll speak on the inner core of Zionism that functions like a secret society. We also talk about how young Jews are being programmed from birth and being used for a bigger strategy. At the end we discuss how people are frightened into silence, sticking their heads in the sand but this will not make the problems go away. Diversity of everything, including power is needed.

Listen here …


The David Icke Videocast: Problem-Reaction-Solution and Flight MH17

new Sunday 27th July 2014 at 10:12 By david-icke

The Rothschilds Own Israel – and Direct its Genocidal Policy

new Sunday 27th July 2014 at 10:11 By david-icke

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The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel,

according to Simon Schama. They built the Israeli Supreme Court. They own Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest media agencies in the world. They have a controlling share in the Royal Dutch oil company, the Bank of England and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association). They foment wars, install presidents, dethrone kings and bankrupt nations, such is their power.

The Rothschilds typically operate behind the scenes. In the case of Israel, the Rothschilds engineered WWI and waited until 1917 when Britain was in trouble. The Rothschilds then promised the British Government that they could get the US to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain's victory of Germany et al. However, they wanted something in return: Palestine. Thus the Balfour Declaration was created, which is an official letter from the British Government Foreign Secretary James Balfour to Baron Rothschild. It states that: " His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object."

There is a big problem with this. Palestine was never Britain's to give away. It rightfully belongs to the Arab and Palestinian people living there. The Rothschild Zionist Jews came in, took over and forcibly evacuated and killed millions of Palestinians who lived there. They are still committing genocide to this day. The creation of the Zionist state Israel was massively unjust right from the start. Something conceived in iniquity breeds conflict down the road. It is no exaggeration to say that the founding of Israel itself may be the precursor to WWIII.

Zionist Israel controls the governments of the US, Britain, Canada, France and more – and the Rothschilds control Israel.


Headlines - David Icke