David Icke: 2012 is a 'Spiritual Y2K' [2012 Media Hyped HOAX]

Lady of Light

Thank you for posting that tidbit from David Icke. I really appreciate that being here; especially because when this Friday has come and gone and we are all still here and nothing 'drastic' has happened this will be here as a reminder that not everyone believes that it's the end of the world.

I jotted down a few things that Mr. Icke said in the video so that I could remember to make points on them because they are some of the things that I have been saying to people for quite a while now on the whole 2012 subject. And HE said these things a few years ago from what I'm getting from that video.

He stated that we are going through "vibrational changes". I agree. I have been talking about that. 2012 is not the end of anything, nor is it the beginning. People think that something sudden and drastic is going to take place on December 21st 2012, which is this coming Friday. We have been experiencing vibrational changes, changes in frequency for at least a couple years now. I've only REALLY taken notice in the last 2, myself. Things are changing far more rapidly these days, that's for sure. He says in the video something about having a radar or something like that for these things, well, I've also got that sense. And it's a wonderful sense to have, let me tell you. Things are changing, people are changing, the whole WORLD is changing, and changing for the betterment of all of us.

Another point he made was the "system is collapsing". Again, I agree. The system which keeps us locking into what Mr. Icke calls "5-sense reality" is falling apart and can no longer contain us. When it crumbles, and it is, we can see beyond the barriers which have been holding us captive from being able to live with free minds instead of living in the boxes that we have been bred into. Which leads to the other point that he made that I noted.

"Manufactured ignorance" is what David Icke calls our society, with our education systems, anything and everything that we are taught through our parents, our teachers, our peers, our televisions, etc. We teach what we were taught. However, when you were taught things that are considered to be fact based only upon general belief (which is what most truth is), and you are forced to learn how to repeat or you don't graduate, then you are brought up into this "manufactured ignorance". I could probably go on in length about this subject alone, but that is not something I am planning on doing tonight.

Anyhow, with the analogy of 2012 being a spiritual y2k, I can see why that statement has been made as such. It is being pushed as a doomsday, a rapture, an armageddon, a hype of planet x or nibiru coming back, etc, etc, etc, the list goes on and on. Nothing special is going happen in the immediate on Dec. 21 2012. We are not getting invaded by aliens, although project bluebeam I'm sure is scheduled to have something happen, but that may not even happen now, who knows. The powers that be are losing their grip, so any predictions to be made about any kind of event will only fall through. But, it wouldn't surprise me if something WAS faked on that day. It will be a day like any other.

Relax, take a deep breath, and go on about your business. :) Smile too, it's good for you! :)