Planned Parenthood’s ‘Truth Tour’ Does Not Mention the 332,278 Abortions It Performed in 2009


Truth feeder
Penny Starr
CNS News
March 9, 2011

Planned Parenthood Federation of America is fighting a congressional attempt to end federal funding for the organization with a nationwide bus tour, dubbed the “Truth Tour.”* The organization’s bright pink bus advertises various Planned Parenthood statistics and health data, but it does not include the number of abortions the organization has performed.

In 2009, Planned Parenthood clinics performed 332,278 abortions, according to a fact sheet on the group’s Web site. Also, in fiscal year 2008-2009, Planned Parenthood received more than $363 million in government grants and contracts, including federal taxpayer dollars through Title X family planning provisions.

Although federal law does not allow for taxpayer dollars to directly pay for abortion, critics of Planned Parenthood, which is the largest provider of abortions in the United States, say the millions of dollars it gets annually help it support other programs, thus freeing up funds that can be used to promote or perform abortions.

Planned Parenthood also has launched an ad campaign and e-mail blitz asking supporters to fight the congressional de-funding effort and to donate to their cause.

Full article here
