
Truth feeder
This 129-minute video may have already been posted. I went in search of it, but could not find it.

In this presentation of the Mayan teachings and prophecies, Drunvalo Melchizedek speaks for the Mayan people. To me, what the Mayan people have to say is extremely important for the earth's people. It is a message of love and hope and warning all rolled into one. I don't take lightly what the Mayans and the Hopis (I learned that the Hopis are actually Mayan and they have accepted this) have to say about the universal earth changes described by DM. This is important.

The Maya Of Eternal Time-2012 Drunvalo Melchizedek



Truth feeder
The Maya of Eternal Time - featuring Drunvalo Melchizedek

Mayan Don Alejandro and many other revered indigenous elders play big parts in this saga.