Israel?s Fischer says world must accept a weaker U.S. dollar


Truth feeder
Daniel Bases
December 4, 2009

Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer said on Thursday the world has to accept a weaker U.S. dollar in order to ensure the global economy recovers soundly.

“We also have to realize, what is hard to get across, there has to be a global rebalancing. Either the U.S. runs a very long period of recession, which is a really bad idea, or the dollar has to weaken, so that balance of payments can be straightened out,” Fischer said in response to a question during a business breakfast in New York.

“So we have got to accept, as do other people, there has to be appreciation vis-a-vis the American dollar. Most people have kind of accepted that. It is just that when it gets out of line that people get nervous,” he said.

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